Chapter Twenty- Six

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Yara's eyes stiffly flickered open, the skin around her lids stinging like wasp bites. Her eyes slit open, barley allowing the sun to seep into her sight. It still managed though.

She let out an elongated "mmm", as she slowly sat up in the bed. Her bones ached as she unsuccessfully stretched to release some of the tension. She could feel her spine painfully crack, causing her to slouch into the shape of the letter S.

Last night, she had snuck back into her room - to the sound of he parents bickering, mind you - and immediately changed out of her muddy, bloody black clothes and into an oversized orange hoodie. She woke up that morning with her hand sticking out around her head, and her face a bright red, resembling a bag of Hot Cheetos.

She rubbed her eyes to loosen up her lids, until they fully allowed the beaming sun to blind her. A constant ringing bled her ears, making her lower head in agony. She could already tell that today was going to be a long day.

"Good Morning!"

Just as the ringing began to calm down, the sound reverberated against her skull, as her mother burst down the doors of her bedroom screaming in a sing-songy voice.

Yara giggled, the unusual awakening adding just dose of normal to the crazy currently occuring in her life. "Morning," she smiled cheerfully, until her tone lowered into an exhausted moan.

Just as a smile appeared on Yara's lips, it instantly dropped to a hostile line. Five secondsafter her mother had paraded in, Teresa followed, her usual smirk on her red lips wider than ever.

"Good. You're awake." She sounded the same as usual. Professional and demanding. If it were any normal day, you wouldn't even think she was plotting a scheme to destroy a wealthy family in her spare time. "We've got lot to do today."

"Uh...yeah we do!," her mother squeaked, raising her arms. A lavender robe wrapped around her waist, darker feathers lining the bottom hem and cuffs. She held a wide glass of white wine by its neck - probably the effects of last night's quarrel with her father- explaining her extra chipper ness. "This is your day Yara! Tonight the world we'll be evaluating you, and only you!" She raised her wine glass as if she was speaking a toast, her eyes so far out it was if she could see the stars in the galaxy.

Yara awkwardly laughed. Right, tonight she wasn't just going to be judged by everyone, but she was also going to be fighting against the guy she thought loved her but secretly just used her for info and is only attending the event to kill her father and her family's legacy. No pressure.

Teresa's face remained stoic, her eyes squinting so her eyeliner went straight. "Well, I wouldn't say this day is just  about Yara."

Yara narrowed her eyes back at her slyly, trying not to gain the attention of her mother. Luckily, the wine had helped her out a number of times before, and today was not any different.

"You're right!," her mother squealed, now waving both her hands in the air. "Tonight they won't just be watching you dear!" Sierra crossed her right hand over body to cup Yara's cheeks and squeeze them tight. Then they shot back up into the air. "They'll be watching all of us! And we'll show them what it truly means to be a Davis! No murder involved."

Yara gave one more glower over to Teresa, who seemed to be absorbing this moment. Taking in what was to her the final sight of her bosses in one clean piece. Right before they're clean worlds got a lot redder.

Yara tilted her head. "Teresa's right mom." Her eyes never left Teresa's threatening gaze. "Tonight's not just about me. Or us." Her arm wrapped around her mother's robe, giving her a tight squeeze. Still completely locked on Teresa. As if maybe she could keep her mother out of harm's reach if she just clutched her tight enough. "I'm sure this'll be a special evening for everyone. With a bunch of surprises. Don't you think, Teresa?"

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