Chapter One

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- Wednesday, October 29 -

It had been two days, since Stacy's death, and everyone had seemed to forget about it. Or at least, they didn't talk about it publicly anymore.

After what had happened at the party, all eyes were darted at the Davis family. People were even beginning to question their own mayor, Henry Davis. But somehow, Mr. and Mrs. Davis had managed to sweep the entire situation under a rug, and scared everyone who spoke about it into hiding. The investigation was now private, and the police had finally narrowed it down to four suspects.

That morning, Spencer and Blake were walking down the hall on their way to class. As they both walked in silence, Spencer looked down at his report he was supposed to give to the Mayrose News Team in three hours, and he didn't look too excited.

"This report is a complete bust!," said Spencer shaking his head. "I don't understand. I got an interview with the Yara Davis, and all she wants to talk about is her new line that's launching in two weeks."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "And that's a bad thing? Remember, everything the Davis' do is interesting."

"Well yeah, but the new interesting thing is the death of Stacy Green. And that story would've guaranteed my spot on the Mayrose News Team."

Blake looked at Spencer in horror. "One of our classmates died, and you're just trying to use her death for an article?"

Although Spencer was upset about the situation, he had a future to worry about.

"I-I know it's hard. But her end, could be my beginning. The beginning of my career as a journalist. I can mourn her death later. But for now, I need this story."

Spencer and Blake arrived at the door of the classroom.

"You only have three hours to get the story you really want.," Blake added. "Face it Spence. You have a story. It should be enough to get you back on the team. Let it go."

Spencer grunted in response. As much as he hated to admit it, Blake was right. He had the story he needed to stay on the team. Even if it wasn't the main story, he still had it.

Spencer sighed. "You're right. Even if it's not the scoop of the century, it's still something. And it should be enough to keep my spot."

Blake patted his shoulder, nodding. "That's the spirit."

Spencer nodded back, a fake smile on his face. And again, even though he seemed pleased, inside, he was praying that something interesting would happen in the next three hours.

As Spencer and Blake took their seats for class, Lena came walking in, her steps slow and her head staring down at the ground.

Blake tapped Spencer on the shoulder, and pointed to her. "Hey, who's that girl with the hood? She looks familiar."

Spencer nodded and pulled out his phone. "She was at Yara's party the other night too, and had a total blowout!" He showed Blake the phone, and on it was a GIF of Lena covered in red punch, trying to get up over and over again.

Lena overheard this conversation, and immediately tugged her hood down lower. Blake looked back at her, then at Spencer who continued to die of laughter.

"That's horrible. How can you laugh at that when she's sitting right there?"

Spencer scoffed. "It's not that bad. It's not getting nearly as much attention compared to Stacy's murder. Ugh! I just wish I had that story."

Blake shook his head doubtfully. He and Spencer had been friends since fifth grade, ever since Spencer had helped him retrieve a small gerbil from a sewage drain. And since then, the two were inseparable, but the one thing about Spencer that bothered Blake, was when he took his curiosity too far. And this was one of those times.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now