Chapter Three

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- Thursday, October 30 -

It was the next day, and Blake and Spencer never spook about the events of yesterday. That morning, they walked down the hall, both in silence, Blake with his hands in his pockets, awkwardly looking around, and Spencer with his eyes glued to his notebook, writing things down in his notebook.

Blake, the tension slowly tormenting him, cleared his throat and proceeded to break the silence.

"So, that was crazy what happened yesterday, right?"

Spencer answered, barely moving his lips. "Mhm."

Blake continued on. "It's crazy that Yara Davis would think we were accusing her. We simply just told the truth."


Now growing somewhat agitated, Blake rolled his eyes. "And who knows, maybe Stacy will come back from the dead and lead the zombie apocalypse against Earth."


Blake grunted. "Did you not just hear me?! Zombies?! You won't even have to worry about that, because you're clearly not on Earth right now. At least your head isn't."

Spencer blinked a couple of times. "What...oh! Sorry, I- was distracted."

"Yeah, clearly!," Blake mocked. He peered over Spencer's shoulder, and saw what he had been writing down in his notebook. Alfred Daniels.

He furrowed his brow. "Hey, what's that about?"

Spencer saw Blake's confusion, and slammed the book shut. "Oh, nothing. Just some doodles. Can we change the subject please?"

Blake eyed him suspiciously, but soon shrugged it off, remembering to save that conversation for later. "Alright, fine. Oh! How did the News Team like your interview with Yara Davis about her new line?"

Spencer, his eyes still narrowed at the ground, shook his head. "I asked for another week."

"You what?!," Blake squealed. "Why would you do that? I thought you had your story?!"

Spencer finally looked up from the ground. "Blake, do you realize what happened yesterday? We were interrogated. Us. There's obviously more to this story, then anyone knows about. And I'm going to find out what."

Blake shook his head, doubtfully. "Look Spence. You've been my friend for as long as I can remember. And I know how important a scoop is to you, but there's more at stake with this one. We're talking about someone who was murdered. Imagine if you try to challenge them, you could be next. I just don't want you to get hurt sticking your nose in things you shouldn't."

Spencer turned up to Blake, a reassuring smile on his face. "Blake, I'll be fine. Nothing's gonna happen."

"I don't know. I think you should-"

Suddenly, as the two boys were walking to the cafeteria, Blake's shoulder hit across someone else's as they walked off.

The person turned, and there were those cold green eyes, under that dark hood, that reminded Blake of a demonic shadow.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!," Lena snapped.

Blake was stunned for a moment, before Spencer elbowed him and he came to again. "Oh! S-sorry."

Lena responded with another narrow glare, and continued to walk to the cafeteria.

Spencer raised an eyebrow at Blake. "What was that all about?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea. But whatever it is, she seems to not like me."

Spencer scoffed, flecks of spit coming from his mouth. "Not like you? She looked like she wanted to rip you apart limb from limb!"

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now