Chapter 6

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It's now been 5 long months since the accident. I am now 6 months pregnant with my little buddle of joy. I was up at the hospital today, visiting Kat. She's not improving. Words can not describe how much I miss her. I'd give anything to hear her voice again, for her to wake up and be the same Kat I know and love. That girl lying pale, still and lifeless as if in a deep sleep, may look like my sister, may have my sister's name, but she is not my baby sister.

      Kat was always so full of life, so cheery. I remember how she used to have a good morning song, every morning whenever she was little she would wake everyone in the house up by singing it. I can still remember the tune in my head. That was the Kat I know and love. The Kat the would always cheer me up and put a smile on my face. I miss her so much. I love her, she's my baby sister I'm meant to protect her, but I couldn't. I let her down.

      She would love it right now the little one is kicking, moving, doing somersaults inside me, letting me now he/she is there, it's an amazing feeling. The little one that I'm carrying, looking after and will be loving after for the rest of my life. He/she will be dependent on me and I will never let them down, never.

      I know if Kat were awake right now she would love feeling my bump while the little one moves away. Whenever I go to visit her in the hospital I place her hand on my bump so she can feel it too, I hope she can feel it. I really do. I hope she wakes up in time for this baby to be born. It will be kind of strange if she wakes up to a baby she knew nothing about, well stranger than her waking up and seeing me with a massive bump.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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