Chapter 1

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As I sit in a white room in the hospital holding my sister Kat's hand, all is silent ,except for an intense, rhythmical, beating sound off of all the machines hooked up to sisters sleeping, lifeless ,still body. She's been in a coma for a long, everlasting, three days now. Since she has been in this coma the days seem longer, like they are never going to end, time just drags by, mocking me while it slowly drags away . All I can think of is that dreadful accident.The sirens especially, I wake up during the night in a cold, cold sweat, as if my world had just ended there and then, I wake up to the sound of sirens. Then I see my little sister, my beautiful, fragile little sister going into that ambulance, the screeching, painful sound of my mother bawling her eyes out as soon as she hears the news of the accident, thinking she had just lost her precious ,baby girl. I saw my father crying in the waiting room that night, I was still, frozen in the moment of shock as I saw for the first time my father cry. He was always such a strong, man, never to show emotion, never to break down and show his soft, fragile self, until that night. Seeing my father cry for the first time almost broke me.

We all sat in that waiting room just praying, hoping for the news that she was going to be okay. Praying she wouldn't die on us, that she would fight through this, that she would live the rest of her life. She isn't even 18 yet so much life left to live, no one is ready to say good bye not yet, not now, not ever.

Kat and I where always close as children, best friends, inseparable, we were joined to the hip always. She was my first ever friend, I could count on her for anything and everything, she was always there for me and I was always there for her. She is only the one year younger than me. I'm my parents eldest daughter. My parents just had their two girls, Kat and I so  it was always just us in the house ,and of course the other children in the estate we played with through out our childhood. Kat was always so good at making friends. She just has one of those unique personalities everyone loves. She hated seeing people left out, she would befriend everyone, she was always so kind and caring towards others. She didn't have a bad bone in her body.  We are still very close with many of our friends from our childhood, they are friends for life. Our best friend is Joshua Tuner he lived just next door and still does. We have known him all our lives, he's 19 the same age as me, but growing up he always had a soft spot for Kat. Joshua, Kat and I, the three musketeers as my father would call us. Joshua was like part of the family, he would stay for dinner, come with us on family outings. I can't picture a time whenever Joshua wasn't there.

Joshua was always fun to be around, he was the class clown in school, made everyone in the class laugh at his stupid, silly, immature jokes, they did get a bit boring sometimes, but he always stood up for what he thought was right, always, even if he was the only one standing. I remember so clearly the day he stood up for Kat when she was just starting our secondary school. It was her very first day and Darcy and of course his charming sister Toni the school bullies where picking on her in the hallway, like the do with most of the new children in the school. Joshua soon put a stop to that. He stood in front of Kat's tormentors.  I always admired Joshua for that as Darcy was a lot bigger, stronger and taller than him and could have easily threw a few punches and seriously hurt Joshua, but for some strange reason he didn't, I think he was just in shock because for the first time in his life someone had spoken back to him. I later learned towards the end of secondary that Darcy and Toni didn't have the best of lives growing up. They were mistreated at home by their abusive, alcoholic mother, who cared much more about getting drunk than caring for her two children. Being bullies was their way of control. Kat felt sorry for them and soon befriended them. Now they are quite good friends of Kat and I's.

I really wish Kat would wake up soon as  it's her 18th birthday in just three weeks. I need her to wake up. She's going to have a big birthday bash in the local night club Electro, Kat's favourite nightclub. All of her friends are going to be there. I was planning to take her out clothes shopping that day. Mainly to have some sister time with her and of course to find that perfect outfit for this very special occasion. She had always said that the night she turned 18 was the night she was going to fall in love, it was her childhood dream. It was like a Cinderella dream just out of nowhere falling in love with the man of her dreams, her very own prince charming.Kat had always said from the age of four. Those younger years were just packed full of dreams and ambitions, about love, life and of course marriage, what little girl doesn't like to dream about her wedding day. I can still picture Kat's perfect, dream  wedding,she wanted a big, white, Christmas wedding with all her family and friends there of course. She stated that she was going to arrive in a horse drawn cartridge with white horses of course. The service would be in our local Church filled with white lilies, the church we were Christened it, then to kick off the night with a beautiful reception in a hotel afterwards. Every little girls dream come true. Kat's dream come true.

I miss talking to my sister about things like that, it would make your day hearing all about her dreams. Kat was always such a good listener, always caring about what you needed to say, she understood me so much. I just wish she would wake up soon. She needs to wake up to live her dreams, dreams will stay just merely dreams until mixed with reality.

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