Chapter 5

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     It's been two months since the accident, I'm now three months pregnant. Kat's still sleeping, she still hasn't improved.

      Today I started shopping for the baby, we got a pram, some clothes and a moses basket. I wasn't going to start it without Kat, I was hoping she would be awake by now. I wanted to experience this with her . It was my mother who suggested going out today to do some baby shopping, she said it's better to be done early. So I went with my mother and father. My mother seems happier now.

        Earlier on this week my mother and I were looking through some of our old family photo albums, we were looking through old pictures of Kat and I when we were little. Pictures of birthday parties,school photos,family outings ect. I saw my mother smile for the first time since the accident.

     We all looked so happy in the pictures, Kat and I had great childhood, growing up with two loving parents, who would do anything for us. I hope my baby has the same sort of childhood I had, filled with love and happy memories. Even when times were bad my parents could always find a way to fix it or to cheer me up.

      My favourite picture we looked at was one of Kat, my parents and I. It was the day I met my best friend, the day Kat was born. In the picture my mother was lying on the bed holding Kat, my father was sitting beside my mother on the bed with me on his lap. The picture was taken by my grandmother just a few hours after Kat was born. We looked like the perfect little family, we were.

       Another picture I liked was a picture of Joshua, Joshua's boyfriend Alex, Kat and I, it was only taken last year at Joshua's 17th birthday. We were standing in Joshua's sitting room just before we went on a night out, it brought back alot of happy memories of a really good night.

       There were so many lovely family pictures. They brought back memories, all of us smiling having a good time. I hope to have more happy memories when Kat wakes up. I just hope she wakes up soon, I really miss having her around.

     Looking at the pictures definitely cheered my mother up a lot, she needed cheering up, it cheered me up too. We put one of my babies scan pictures in one of the photo albums too, as well as beside Kats bed.
      I've been thinking a lot about God recently, I'm not sure why. Kat's always been a strong believer in Christ, I on the other hand have always held on to the idea that there is no God. That it's just a story people made up hundreds of years ago to make them feel better and to give them hope. Now I'm not too sure.

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