Chapter 4

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Its been a month now since the accident, I'm now two months pregnant. Kat hasn't improved. I've been to visit her every day,except for today.

Today I went for my first scan. I was excited, I went on my own, as everyone else was busy and well my mother doesn't like to leave the house anymore.When I was there all I saw was these women walking out with their bestfriends and sisters, I just wish Kat could have been there. She just  loves children, I know she'll be as excited as I am when she finds out. I wish I could share this moment with my best friend, my sister. Seeing my baby for the first time on that screen, hearing his or her little heart beat, just knowing that you have a little miracle growing inside you. A miracle that's going to depend on me, I'm going to give my baby all the love in the world. Give he or she the best life I can.

I need Kat to wake up, my baby needs to know his or her auntie Kat.

To be honest I always thought Kat would have had a child first, she was the one who had always said since she was young that she wanted children. I never knew wither or not I wanted them, but Kat was sure she did.

She wanted three, two girls and one boy. She said altough she wanted children, she would never have one out of wedlock. I never thought I'd have a baby, espiscally not this soon. I don't even have a boyfriend as I was focusing on my future career, I just got excepted into university. It was a one night stand, I thought we were protected, but I was too drunk to check, but it turns we clearly weren't. I can't even remember who the guy was.

Everyone keeps telling me I'm stupid and that I've ruined my life and how could I have let this happen when I just got into university. I had to drop out of university. My parents are disappointed too, but they said that they would support me and make sure my child has a good life, I know they will adore he or she. They are looking forward to being grandparents .Although I didn't want a child, I don't regret it. Seeing him or her on the screen today and listening to the beating sound of their tiny heartbeat, it has just made me love it a little bit more. I just wish Kat was awake to experience this with me, I really miss my sister. She needs to wake up soon.

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