We All Fall Down - Forever

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For all future time; for always.

"I'll be with you forever," he had said.

When I think back on it now, I was naïve to think he was being honest.

I grabbed the next picture and ripped it in two.

"Forever my ass," I muttered.

"Open the door! You're not getting any better by doing this!" Mum shouted.

I didn't answer. I tore more and more pictures, every letter he sent, everything he ever bought me and threw them in my bin. I threw a lit match in on top of them and watched them glow. I grabbed a lighter and ran my fingers through the flame.

I jumped at a knock on the window. Jack, my best friend sat on the sill staring at me. Staring at what my hands were doing. I dropped the lighter, tears in my eyes, and opened the window. I sat on the ground beside the bin silently and watched the flames spark and spit bits everywhere.

"This isn't helping," he said quietly.

I shook my head and shuffled away from him,"you don't know that."

I picked up the lighter and flicked it on and off, watching the flame dance at my will. It was the only thing I felt in control of. I ran my hand over the flame again but Jack slapped it out of my hand.

"Stop this!" He demanded,"you're sitting here like a wounded puppy when you're not! You knew he was no good for you!"

He jumped up and walked around the room, running his hands through his hair.

"You don't see it!" He cried,"There are people around that love you and you chose to go off with that ass! Everybody knew but you wouldn't listen would you?! No!"

I cowered in the corner.

"And what do you do?" He asked,"Play with fire. You're scaring everyone. And most of all me. You're scaring me so much!"

I curled up and sobbed silently into my knees.

I felt him come closer.

"You don't understand how scared I have been," he sighed,"you didn't show up to school, you didn't return my calls, texts or any of the calls or texts from the guys. I was really scared, and I just need you to know, everyone loves you. You don't need him. I love you, Alex, Rian, Zack and everyone love you. Your mom loves you."

He stood up and grabbed a glass of water from my dresser and poured it over the burning bin.

"Come on," he held his hand out,"you're coming to band practise."

(Slight TW- mention of scars.)

I sniffled and stood up, taking his hand. He looked down at my hands and arms and saw the burns I'd put over the past few days. He looked back at me with pain in his eyes.

(TW over.)

"I'm sorry," I croaked. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it on. I followed Jack out of my room and down the stairs. I waited by the door as my mum talked to him.

"Thanks for getting her out of there," I heard my mum say.

"It's no problem... Just leave her with me... She'll be back on her feet soon," Jack replied.

He walked out of the kitchen smiling softly and picked up his guitar. He led the way out the door and walked down the sidewalk silently with me.

Jack saw before I did, but I couldn't stop myself.

Across the road, Oliver was walking with some girl, holding her hand and nuzzling into her neck every so often. Impulse took over and I grabbed Jack's face. I pulled him close and kissed him long and hard, making sure Oliver saw us. Moments later Jack relaxed into the kiss and put his arms around me. I pulled away and he grinned at me.

We continued walking along, I felt awkward but Jack was happy.

"So uh... Do you... Um, wanna go out with me sometime?" Jack broke the silence.

"Jack," I said softly,"I... We... You... I can't..."

I felt myself breaking up inside, but I didn't know why. I didn't like Jack like that! He was my best friend.

He nodded solemnly and blushed,"I was only kidding... Obviously."

I nodded and laughed uneasily.

Jack knocked on the door and Rian's mum, Kathi, answered.

"Hi," Jack said and bounded in the door passed her.

I made a small, polite smile and waved. She let me inside and I followed the noise to the basement. As soon as my feet touched the ground a huge chorus of "EMMA!" was cheered and I was surrounded buy the guys in a bear-hug.

A/N; new fanfic. Yep. I really wanna try my best on this one and try get everybody's interest. I need some feedback so please?



ALSO! @romeoandrebecca came up with the second half of the chapter so I wanna give credit to her!

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