We All Fall Down - Love.

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1. A strong feeling of affection and attraction for someone.

2. A person or thing that one loves.

"Come on Em, let's go!" Jack grinned and pulled on my hand, bringing me down the street behind him.

We were currently on the way to my tattoo appointment and Jack was so much more excited than I was, which was weird considering I was the one being tattooed.

I was wearing shorts, which was a tad bit uncomfortable for me seeing as my scars were still a little visable, but Jack told me not to worry as he noticed me picking at the length of them. He had grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek, telling me I was beautiful and perfect, scars or no scars which, of course, made me blush and put my head down.

We entered the tattoo shop and I stepped up to the desk, waiting to be served.

"Name please?" A burly looking man stood behind the counter, he was pierced and heavily tattooed and very, very ripped.

"Uh, Emma Preciado," I said timidly.

"You're thingies sister!" He snapped his fingers and grinned, the soft look on his face made me feel at ease,"my little sister never shuts up about how you live here and how the band, I dunno their name, constantly visit. She always tries to get a glimpse of them, never successful though."

"That's strange. Tell her to go to the main centre tomorrow, the guys and I will surely be there causing havoc," I laughed.

"I will do! And you're here for one tattoo," He read from his book.

I nodded,"yes please."

"Okay," he smiled,"come on through!"

I walked through to where he had directed me and sat on the bench.

"So you want this design?" He asked, picking up his drawing of what I'd wanted.

I nodded,"I've wanted it for the past year, I thought long and hard about it."

"Alrighty then, you get comfortable and I'll get started," he smiled and I swung my legs up to be in a more comfortable position.

He put the stencil onto my thigh.

"If at any time you want the pain killer you can just tell me and I'll give it to you," he informed me,"I'm gonna start now."

I nodded and he began to trace out the outline onto my leg.


Hours later I had it filled in and fully detailed. He said healing time would be about a week.

It was a tattoo of a wolf, it was all grey apart from the eyes which were bright blue. There were branches of a tree over its face but it was beautiful and I loved it.

(Tattoo on the side. I got it from tumblr shh.)

Jack and I left the shop after I paid him and thanked him.

"It's so exciting wow," I grinned and spun around to see Jack,"sorry for squeezing your hand too hard."

"I hope I'll always be around to let you squeeze my hand," he smiled,"you can squeeze my hand as hard as you like, whenever you want."

"Gosh damn it Jack," I sighed in content,"I love you, like, so much."

He stopped and so did I.

I love Jack.

Slowly, a smile that warmed my insides, lit up his face,"I love you to Pluto and back."

I grabbed the collar of his jacket and brought him down to me to place my lips on his.

It was perfect.



A/N; So yeah this was the last chapter but I'll write one last bit afterwards just to y'know give y'all a look into their life afterwards.

There's no sequel but yeah.

I'm glad to have finally finished Emma and Jack's story.

Happy new year n stuff n things.

~Jane xø

We All Fall Down. (Jack Barakat of All Time Low)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu