We All Fall Down - Kiss.

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A/N: apologies for the shortness.


kiss | kis |

Verb [with obj.]

A touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love.

"Emma!" Jack grinned as he bounded up to me.

His silly little grin made my belly buzz with excitement.

"Jack!" I grinned back, a blush painting my cheeks as he wrapped me in his arms and lifted me off of the ground slightly.

He stood back momentarily and looked at me.

"You're looking amazing! You've been eating and you aren't transparent anymore," he said proudly,"I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Jack, I couldn't have done it without my best friend," I smiled shyly, looking at my feet which scuffed the ground.

"You ready for school?" He asked.

I nodded with a sigh,"as ready as I'll ever be."

It was months later and Jack still regularly checked how I was eating and such. It was around a year and a half since Oliver broke up with me. I couldn't say I was healed, but I wasn't still broken.

Jack slung an arm around my shoulder as we walked. No, we weren't together, which made me sad.

Sparks ran throughout my body as Jack's hand brushed my arm every so often.

Alex joined us on the walk, Jack's arm dropping from my shoulders to hug Alex.

Alex then hugged me and bumped my hip with a grin.

"You're looking fab-u-lous today girl," he said, clicking his fingers with each syllable in fabulous.

"Thanks," I smiled shyly, proud of myself for getting this far.

The scars on my arms had faded, leaving raised white marks, some still a little pink, on my arms and thighs. I planned on tattooing over them after graduation, which was coming up soon.

"We gotta sort out this tattoo thing Em," Alex grinned at me.

"I'm getting mine as soon as I can after graduation," I beamed, excited for them.

Jaime had a sleeve of tattoos and mom hadn't been too pleased, but she had went out and gotten her own so she couldn't say anything to either of us.

She didn't mind though. She was proud of me too. She was proud that I'd been getting better, but was most proud as I'd gotten the courage to show her my scars.

I told her about three months ago that I had self harmed and I told her she didn't have to see the scars if she didn't want to, they were mostly all healed by then so it wouldn't have been too bad. She had wanted to see them though, she called them my battle wounds. It was a huge emotional festival, tears were shed by both her and I, and even Jaime cried a little. They were both proud.

"...Emma are you listening?" Alex asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts,"sorry."

"I was saying that I'm not getting one 'til I'm 19," he pouted,"so we can't get them together."

"Aw man, that sucks," I frowned,"I'm sorry. We can all get ours together though. You, Jack, Zack, Rian- everybody can get it together," I grinned.

"What an awesome idea!" He grinned as we walked in the doors of the school.

"We'll figure it out," Jack smiled as we all split to go to our classes.


Lunch rolled around quickly and we were all reunited again.

"Who's gonna come to the cafeteria with me?" Jack whined before grabbing me and pulling me along.

"Oh, uh, I guess I will," I laughed.

He pulled me around the corner and instead of going inside, he pulled me to the side wall.

"Jack the cafeteria is-" I began but was cut off.

His lips were on mine.

I was stunned because after all this time, he was still into me.

I relaxed slightly as he pulled away slowly.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long now," he whispered.

"You have no idea," I breathed before pressing another quick kiss to his lips.

"Thank god," he laughed,"okay, I'm ready for food now."

Oh, Jack.

I smiled as he pulled me inside and joined the queue.

He had me, hook, line and sinker.



A/N; one more chapter left you guys. I hope you liked this chapter!

I should have the next chapter up soon... Maybe two actually. Yeah. Two.

I have everything planned out in my mind and it's just getting it out of that little maze and onto this website.

But anyway, thanks for reading!

~Jane xø

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