Chapter 8 - A Taste Of Poison

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Wendy's P.O.V.

Wendy changes into something more comfortable as she waits for Paul to come over. She makes her way back downstairs to see her parents near the door. "Will you be okay while we're gone, sweetie?" Asked Francine. "Yes, Mom, I will." Said Wendy. "Are you expecting anyone?" Asked Steve. "Well, Dad, I'm expecting Paul to come over in a bit. We're a couple now." Wendy said. Her parents look at her with confused expressions.

"What happened with you and Tyler?" Francine asked. "I broke up with him. Don't get me wrong, I loved him, but there are some things that he never did and Paul does." Said Wendy. "Like what?" Steve asked. "For starters, when I went out on my first date with Paul, he opened the door to his car for me. Tyler never did that for me. And another, when I first met Paul, he kissed my hand. That's something else Tyler never did." Wendy explained.

"Paul seems like a true gentleman." Said Francine. "To be honest, you made the right choice, honey." Said Steve. Wendy smiles. A little while later, her parents kiss her goodbye and walk out the door. Kyle walks into the room and pats his sister on her back. "I heard you broke up with Tyler." He said. "Yeah. I'm with Paul now." Said Wendy. "Never thought my little sister would be dating a rock star." Said Kyle.

The doorbell rings and Wendy opens the door. There stood Paul. "You rang, Paulie?" Wendy said jokingly. Paul couldn't help but laugh. "I promised you I'd be here, did I not?" He asked. "You did. I was only kidding." Said Wendy with a giggle. She gestures to let Paul into her house.

"Great to see you again, Paul!" Kyle said as he holds his hand out. Paul shakes it. "You too, Kyle." He said. "I'm gonna head out and hang with some of my buds. Wendy, call me or Mom and Dad if you need anything." Said Kyle. "You got it, bro!" Said Wendy. She gives her big brother a hug and he exits the house. Wendy turns towards Paul and links her hands on his arm. "Thirsty?" She asked. "Very." Paul said.

"Alright. Why don't you go ahead and make yourself at home while I get us both some drinks?" Said Wendy. Paul nods. He finds the couches and sits in the living room while Wendy goes to the kitchen and grabs two glasses. She fills them both with water. She then takes the one glass and moves it aside.

Tyler's P.O.V.

The door to Wendy's house was slightly ajar. So Tyler sneaks in with a vial of poison while Wendy wasn't looking. He takes the one glass of water that's near the sink and pours the poison into the water. He then stirs it with a spoon until it's entirely mixed. It doesn't change color, however. "Perfect! She'll never know the difference!" Tyler whispered.

Wendy was about to turn around. Tyler quickly escapes the house before she could see him.

Wendy's P.O.V.

Wendy takes both glasses of water and walks over to Paul. She gives one glass to him, and takes the other for herself.

(What Wendy doesn't know is that she gave Paul the poisoned water)

As the two drink their water, they start making conversation with each other. "So, Wendy, what do you like to do for fun?" Asked Paul. "My family and I do some karaoke to your songs every now and then. We enjoy doing it." Wendy said. "Karaoke, huh?" Paul asked. "Yep!" Said Wendy. "That reminds me, I brought my guitar with me in case I wanted to sing for you! Speaking of which, I have one that I'd like to sing right now." Said Paul.

"Sounds cool! Can I hear it?" Asked Wendy. "Sure you can." Said Paul. He pulls out his guitar and tunes it. Once it's ready, he starts to sing.

There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you

My One True Love, Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now