Chapter 5 - Changes In Wendy

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As the days went by, Wendy became less interested in hanging out with Tyler. She's been this way ever since she met Paul. Whenever Tyler would try to be romantic towards Wendy or even kiss her, she'd pull away. She wouldn't tell him why she's acting this way since she knows about how easily jealous he'd get if he saw her with another man.

One day, Wendy goes for her morning jog and sees Paul going for a walk himself. She stops in her tracks and walks back to Paul. "Good morning, Paul!" She said. "Wendy! How nice to see you at this time of day!" Said Paul excitedly. Wendy holds Paul's hand, causing his stomach to do backflips. "I missed you." He said. "It's only been a few days. Either way, I missed you too." Said Wendy.

"Would you like to walk with me?" Paul asked. "Sure. I'm starting to run out of breath from jogging anyway." Wendy said. The two walk hand in hand in the beautiful sunlight. Along the way, they see Dana and Lily. "Dana!" Said Wendy excitedly. "Wendy!" Said Dana. The two girls hug each other and Lily puts her paw on Wendy's leg. "Hi, Lily." She said. She bends down and pets Lily.

Dana then sees Paul and her eyes widen. "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Paul McCartney standing right there?" She asked. "You're eyes aren't playing tricks on you. It is him." Said Wendy. Dana gives Paul a small wave and he waves back. "Paul, this is my best friend, Dana Potts, and her dog, Lily." Wendy said. "Hello, Dana." Said Paul. He holds out his hand and Dana shakes it. He then bends down and gives Lily a pat on her head. "Hi, Lily. You're such a beautiful dog." He said. Lily licks Paul's face, causing him to laugh.

"She likes you already." Said Dana. "What kind of dog is she?" Paul asked. "German shepherd. I've had her since she was a puppy." Dana said. She then sees that Paul and Wendy are holding hands. "Are you two...?" Dana trails off. Wendy was at a loss for words. She and Paul look at each other with confused expressions. "I guess you can say that." Said Wendy. "What about Tyler?" Asked Dana. "Who's Tyler?" Asked Paul.

Wendy felt her body starting to shake with nerves. She worries that Paul would get angry if he hears that she has a boyfriend. "He's my... boyfriend." She said nervously. Paul feels his jealousy build up. Wendy places her hands on his shoulders before he had a chance to speak. "Now, now, he won't be my boyfriend anymore. After meeting you, my feelings for him disappeared." She said.

Paul breathes a sigh of relief after hearing what Wendy told him. "I hate to bring this up, but what if Tyler sees you two together?" Dana asked. "Good question. I really don't know." Wendy said. "Does he get jealous easily?" Paul asked. "Unfortunately, yes. He actually did when you winked at me at your concert." Said Wendy. "Oh dear! Remind me to never cross him!" Said Paul with worry.

Wendy changes the subject and continues talking to Dana for a few more minutes. They say their goodbyes afterwards. Once she's out of sight, Paul and Wendy continue their walk while holding hands. They stop again after a few steps. "I'm gonna head home now. My legs are probably ready to jog again." Wendy said. "Alright, love. See you soon." Paul said. Wendy nods and kisses Paul on his cheek. She then jogs her way home. Along the way, she passes Tyler.

"Wendy! What's your hurry?" He asked. "Not now, Tyler!" Said Wendy. "Oh, come on! You've been ignoring me for the past few days! Let me talk to you!" Tyler complained. "I'm sorry, Tyler. But I don't think we should be together anymore." Wendy said. A hurt expression appears on Tyler's face. "But... but why?" He asked. "It's a long story. So, don't talk to me anymore. And don't call me your girlfriend ever again." Said Wendy in a firm tone. She continues jogging back to her house.

Tyler wanted to know what was up with Wendy and why she was acting so strange.

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