Unexpected Developments

Start from the beginning

"That's fine. We'll work with that."

And just as quickly as she came, she was gone. Ae turned to look at Pete and found his lover smiling softly at him. 


"I'm just happy that this part of our lives was able to resolve itself. I'm just really curious as to why he behaved the way he did. He escalated very fast."

"I think it was seeing Tin and Can. He saw them during their most intimate moments and from what I understand, it's not like one and done. Can can go and Tin keeps up easily."

Pete turned pink as he remembered conversations with Can when he went to his workouts. Can as his trainer was a blessing and a revelation. He and Pete did the old talk every so often and it was enlightening. Should he reveal that Can knew quite a bit about them too? Maybe not.

"Can did mention that to me a few times in casual talks at the gym."

"Casual talks hummmm. Is that what you want to call the wives club tails?" Ae teased and watched Pete turn red. He covered the smirk and put some more food in his mouth.

"Anyway. So Tul began to covert Can? He wanted to have sex with him?"

"Yes. He also wanted the evidence but tasting Can seemed to be his priority at the time he was interrupted."

"Can had to have been bound. He would have fought like a lunatic. He's very clear to me that only Tin is allowed to touch him like that. He says Tin gets super jealous so he doesn't accept gifts and only occasionally eats with clients and only when it's oked by Tin. He even told me that only Tin gets him worked up and sure he still appreciates a great looking female but other males don't do it for him."

"Well then you know more than I do. I always figured Can was like me. I never really liked anyone before you and he didn't seem to either."

"No. Can likes girls. He just never thought that he would get a girl easily. Tin in the only guy that Can likes. No other has ever been able to put up with him. Too hyper, too hungry and too talkative. His words. not mine."

"I just think Tin was able to reach Can where others couldn't, the way you were able to reach me."

"Isn't it the other way around?"

"I never had to "reach" you Pete. You were always there, waiting, seeing me for who I am and liking me anyways. You though, had to reach me. It took me way longer to get to that place called feelings. I had to get to know you and after I knew you then I had to get to know myself when I thought I already knew everything there was to know. I was waiting for you without even knowing it. I needed you Pete, to teach me my strengths and my weaknesses and to surpass my limitations."

"Ae. Oh I don't know what to say. You make me feel so much love for you all the time."

"Good because I never want you to stop. I can't be with anyone else Pete. I can't love anyone else and I wouldn't know how. I've figured it out. Sheri was my illusion. I tried to make her into you and failed. It wasn't her fault. Not any of it. She just looked like you and I projected. I can see that now that your back. Every time we run into her, it becomes clearer and clearer to me."

"I'm sorry Ae."

"I'm not. Life is a huge lesson and we're stuck learning it because what choice do we have. Anyway, enough of this deep shit. Come here."

"Is Ae finished eating?"

"Food, yes. You? Just getting started." Pete turned slightly pink again as he walked into Ae's embrace.

"Do you think Mom would be mad if I ate you here?"

"Mom's the least of your worries. Par Jiew would bake your little guy in a pie and feed it to me for lunch." Ae winced and Pete nodded. "So we need to gooOOWOAH! Ae!"

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