Anticipation grew within me and I wanted to see all of him. Staring at only a small portion of his frame made me hot and bothered. I knew if he approached me I would be in trouble. Luckily, I had stuck to my promise to not drink too much and my head was on straight.

I saw him start to move around from behind the tiki hut and I quickly turned my head. I peeked up out of the corner of my eye to catch a glimpse and all of him came into view.

Oh shit. It couldn't be.

I slumped down and leaned closer towards the table, resting my elbow on it trying to hide my face with my hand. I had to make a plan and fast. I moved sideways in my chair, hoping he hadn't seen me and stood up. I started to walk away when his touch on my shoulder made my body quiver.

I took a deep breath and turned around. Staring back at me was Nick's bright blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, not knowing what else to say.

Nick chuckled. "Well, since this is a public place I was thinking of grabbing a beer. I just docked my boat and am parched. What are you doing here?"

I mimicked him and said, "Well, since this is a public place I am grabbing a beer. I was parched."

He shot me a radiating smile. "Your beer seems to be empty. I'm headed to the bar, you want another?"

I nodded although I should have done the opposite. I was anxious and needed to calm my nerves. Nick made me feel angry one minute and made my skin melt with his touch the next.

I thought maybe I should use this time to run like hell but I saw Natalie waving at me as she started towards our table. She was alone.

When Natalie sat back down I asked her what happened to the other two.

She rolled her eyes. "I took them to the bathroom and when we were walking out they ran into some guys they know. I didn't want to leave you alone and the guys were kinda drunk and annoying anyway."

"Well, thanks for coming back." I smirked at her. I was glad I had met Natalie. She was a good friend who had yet to let me down.

Before I had a chance to fill her in on the latest development, I could smell Nick's aroma coming up behind me.

Natalie saw him coming over to our table and stood up. "Mr. Finn! I didn't know you were here. How are you this evening?" She sounded way too proper for the setting.

"Natalie, this isn't work. Please call me Nick. I got Abby a refill. Let me run back up to the bar and grab you one, too."

Before Natalie could say anything, Nick was already headed back to the bar. I looked at her and I could tell by her expression she was bewildered.

I shook my head. "Don't ask me. He was docking his boat and I tried to run from him but he noticed me before I could."

"I should have known he had a boat. He always seems so damn uptight though. Now he looks so casual and hot, which is confusing. The way he acted yesterday, it was like he slept in suits. Should we be having a drink with him? Isn't he like the main dog over our company?"

"Yeah, but we can't escape now. Trust me, I'd love too after dealing with his ass all day but I like this place and it would be awkward if we left now so let's just be amicable and have fun. He is not going to ruin my night after pretty much already ruining my whole day." I tried to sound assertive but there was a small part of me that couldn't wait until he was back from the bar. I wanted to fight the sexual urges I had towards him but it was difficult and I certainly didn't want to make it apparent to Natalie.

Nick returned to the table and sat in the stool next to me. There was an uncomfortable silence so I shifted in my stool and looked around to try and focus on something else. I was unnerved and at a loss for words.

I didn't notice until I heard the strum of a guitar that the music had changed. The soloist started to play an acoustic version of one of my favorite songs. I started to hum the music and swayed back and forth in my seat. Natalie must have loved the song too because she joined in.

I looked over towards Nick to see if he was enjoying the music as much as us and our eyes met. He was staring at me, watching me intently.

Then he cleared his throat and stood up. I thought Nick was leaving but he held out his hand to me instead. "Would you like to dance?"


I wanted to decline the invitation but no words came out. I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to the dance floor. Stunned, Natalie watched us as we walked towards the other couples dancing rhythmically.

Nick pulled me in a tight embrace. His hand skimmed down my spine and rested on my lower back. My body tingled and goose bumps formed. The base of our hands completely one, he intertwined his fingers with mine. His cheek rested up against mine as he glided me around the dance floor. We were so close I could smell the soap on his skin and the mint on his breath.

I barely noticed when the song ended, staying in his arms, not breaking the gaze between his eyes and mine. If it hadn't been for someone bumping up against me I don't know how long we would have remained in that position.

Nick's eyes went cold and he glared at the guy who ran into me. He released his hold on me and I thought he was going to approach the man but instead walked right past him and down the docks.

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