| Chapter Ten - The end of the world |

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Your body is hot and sticky when the tiniest sliver of light hits your face in the morning. A groan slips past your lips before you even have time to think about it. Your head hits against something hard as you move slightly, and you open one eye to cautiously investigate: a familiar scene displayed before your eyes.

Golden skin and raven hair meet your gaze. His mouth is slightly parted as he sleeps, soft sounds of his breathing play beautifully in your ears. A sweet smell hits you so hard that you sit up immediately from your spot.

Your sweatiness has mixed together with Tae's, and you suddenly feel an overwhelming need to jump into a hot shower. You wiggle out of his arm, grabbing his thrown sweater to place over your naked body before walking toward the bathroom to brush your teeth and heat up the water.

"Y/N," the man you love speaks in his sleepy voice.

You turn with a smile as he stirs in your bed, standing up to reveal his own naked form. He rubs the sleep in his eyes before taking a few steps to pull you into him, holding you tightly once more.

"We're showering, yeah?" He asks with a yawn, heading into the bathroom first.

You watch him from behind with a giant grin on your face as his sleepy figure walks around like he lives there. It makes your heart flutter in your chest. It's euphoric- the pleasure you are getting from being with him again. You're lucky, you think to yourself, to be able to be with him once again.

The man stands in the shower, letting the hot water rush over him before he calls your name to join him. You quickly throw the shirt over your head, giggling as you push into the shower with him.

"I love you, baby," he mumbles as you run your fingers through his soapy hair. "You're everything."

You blush at his words, rinsing out the rest of the shampoo from his newly long hair. When you finish with him, he traces his fingers over your body. Long and veiny, they make heat build up in the pit of your stomach just from a simple touch.

"You drive me crazy," you say through a quick inhale.

He grins at your words, tracing his fingers on the inside of your thighs. His grin only widens as your legs start to shake. He knows exactly what he's doing to you, and the soreness from last night doesn't help your trembling muscles in his touch.

"I thought I wouldn't get to touch you again after last night," he says as his fingers slowly graze against your skin closer and closer to your heat.

You moan out as one of his fingers teases against your entrance. If you were being honest, you didn't think you'd get another chance after last night either. You had hoped for more time with him, for a forever that you were too scared to see last time his fingers were on you like this. But the world was said to be ending, so you-

"Wait, Tae~" You moan again, but he stops what he's doing and holds your hips instead. "We're still here."

He nods at you, giving you a questioning glare before realization hits him as well. His fingers leave you to turn off the shower and grab two towels for you to wrap yourselves in. Almost too quickly, you both slip around the house to the living room to see the television is on and a drama is playing quietly through the house.

Wet footprints cover the hard floor and you bump into Tae on the way to grab the remote and turn the news on. He pulls your back against him as you both stand to watch the same man on the television that once had tears running down his face, except now he sits with a relieved smile.

"-scare of last night, the world is working together on preventative measures to avoid any possibility of a repeat. Only missing the Earth's atmosphere by some dozen miles, we are grateful that destruction and loss of life was something that this cosmic force was unable to create. We hope you all go back to enjoying your lives and-"

Tae grabs the remote out of your hands, clicking the television off before spinning you to face him. Your starry eyes begin to wander off, taking in the words of the news anchor as if he had just lied to your face.

Incredulous. How could you believe that you were going to live after this shock you went through?

"Say something." He urges you, peeling the towel off your body to carefully dry the drops of water falling from your hair and shoulders.

You shake your head, opening and closing your mouth to lick at your lips. Uncertainty runs through your head as you try to gather your thoughts.

"I love you, Y/N. Please talk to me."

You nod this time, gulping down an invisible lump in your throat. Your hands are shaking, but you take in your surroundings and realize that this beautiful man is drying off your naked body out of concern for you. Out of love for you.

Love. Cruel and kind. A double-edged sword. A feeling we don't get to control, only to decide how to deal with the fallout.

"I love you too, Taehyung." You smile at him, tears almost spilling out but instead getting stuck in the corners of your eyes.

He bends down to dry off your legs and runs his hands over your entire body. So warm, so right. After the water seized to fall, he lets your towel fall in your hands, a silent way of telling you to put your hair up in it until it dries. You nod again at his actions, pulling the towel around your hair tightly. When his hands start to rest on his own towel, you move them out of the way and quickly pull the towel from his body. The love of your life is in front of you completely naked, and you can't help but admire this person almost sculpted in perfection. Your hands roam his body to return the favor.

Silence fills the room until he's completely dry. He takes the towel from your hands and runs it against his long, dark hair. His boxy grin is as wide as the first time he pecked your lips. Butterflies fluttering.

"So what do we do now?" You lick your lips and take a step toward him, so close to being pressed against his naked body.

His eyes rake over your body, and the smile on his lips meets his glittering eyes. He thinks for a few moments before taking the last step forward to feel your warmth against him. Strong arms hold you against him, and he leans his forehead gently against yours.

"We live every day like it's the end of the world, baby."

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