| Chapter Eight - Too late |

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The emergency alert system blares through the living room, the loud alarm causing you to shake under the cover you're wrapped up in on the couch. The man relaying the news was halfway through a sobbing explanation of the disaster at hand before the loud, blaring noise replaced him and filled the emptiness of your house.

An environmental event, they are calling it- A naturally occurring disaster in space that led officials of the world to believe that the probability of this wiping out the entire world was too high to hide from the general public.

Your phone sits on your lap, charging in the nearby wall out of fear of a power outage while waiting for the end. The end...you try not to sob at the thought of it. You don't get more time to make things right, to change or correct anything.

You stare at a couple photos of you and him that you never got around to deleting, wondering if he is doing okay or what he could be going through. A rush of wonderful memories floods over you, and you close your eyes to remember him a few more times. The way his long fingers knew exactly where to touch to incite a response from you. The laugh of his that was always so cheerful that it brought you out of your worst moods. His playfulness was the thing you seemed to miss the most, the child-like antics he made you a part of and the giggles that always seemed to follow whatever trouble you two were up to.

He always seemed like the closest thing to perfection to you, like the universe took special care when designing the way his eyes would squint when his smile was at its largest. Like they stuffed his soul full of love because goddamn, he was a piñata bursting of it for everyone he cared about. His kindness was unmatched, and it only made you fall harder for him.

Without even noticing, tears are finally escaping from your eyes. You bite your lip almost hard enough to draw blood to distract from the tears, not wanting anymore to fall.

You bring up his text messages in less than a second, knowing you should reach out just to make sure he is okay...it is the end of the world after all, what do you have to lose?

Tae, I hope more than anything that you're okay right now. I hope you and the guys are safe together. Please hold onto them tight for me. A selfish part of me wishes you were here, wishes I could tell you what I was too scared to say last year, wishes I had held on a lot longer. I know that I can't go back and change what happened, but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about it all. I care so deeply for you, so please stay safe for me.|

If only you could gather up the courage to press send.


"Everyone's okay, right?" Namjoon asks lowly with concern written on his face. He glances around at each boy as they sit down in the living room, stopping as he gets to Taehyung.

The younger holds his phone with one hand, running the other through his hair. He looks lost in thought as he continues to stare at the same screen, expecting something to change that hasn't yet. Everyone turns their attention to him, a knowing look casting over the group.

With a doleful expression, the leader clears his throat and waits until all eyes are on him before saying, "Is there anywhere anyone needs to be?"

Expectant glances are shared throughout the room. Tae sits with his legs crossed, tapping and shaking the foot that is resting on his lap. The room remains quiet for a few long minutes, and Namjoon nods thoughtfully at his brothers before going to sit amongst them.

They share more silence together, all of them sitting with downcast eyes. Jimin stands from his spot, grabbing a few board games off the shelf on the wall before giving an unconvincing smile to the group. Jungkook nods at the man before pulling at the game he wants to play, only to drop it moments later as Taehyung shoots up from his spot on the couch.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles out, rushing to pick his shoes off the ground. "I need to go. I'm sorry. I just- I have to see her again."

Proud smiles litter the faces of his brother's as he struggles to tuck the laces into one shoe. They watch in awe as he rushes out of the door.

Taehyung's feet thankfully don't betray him as he runs out to his parked car on the grass outside of the house. He kicks up some dirt as his heart races almost as fast as his feet. The roads aren't as clear as he wishes when he pulls onto the first street.

His phone is sitting on his thigh, and he glances down in anticipation after every time his foot hits the brake. He half-expects and half-hopes that she will send him something, anything to indicate that he's welcome in her life. His teeth graze over his bottom lip, thinking over his nerves.

He wonders where you were when the earth shook. Were you at home, the club, the antique store you love searching through on your free days? His mind replays memories of taking you on the kitchen counter, kissing your hair as you cuddled up to him when you were sick, and holding your hand for the first time in public.

Regret: it rushes over him like a strong tide. Suddenly he wishes he was selfish, that he didn't stop the communication. He wishes that he never gave up on the beautiful girl that called him TaeTae and babe, the same girl that giggled at his bad jokes and ran with his antics.

His fingers impatiently tap on the steering wheel, and he debates on driving around the traffic at full speed until he notices the road start to clear ahead of him. He hits the gas a little more, staring only at the street he's about to turn on: the one you live on. His phone falls to the floor of his car as he takes the turn almost too sharply, and a nervous smile plays on his lips as he notices your car parked in its normal spot. No other car in the driveway.

He parks on the street, rushing out of the car and bending to retrieve the tossed cellphone. A thousand thoughts run through his mind as his heart beats irregularly in his chest. He thinks he should have called or sent a text to give you time to prepare for his arrival, but as he remembers the world is ending, he ignores the nerves and brings the knuckle of his pointer finger up to ring the doorbell.


Tae, I have loved you every day for the past year. I don't think I will ever not. Please take care. I'm so sorry for being too late, but all that I care about is you right now. Stay safe, and you better keep our boys safe too. I didn't mean to take so long to tell you-- I love you, Kim Taehyung~

The creaking of the door almost startles the raven-haired man as his eyes re-read the text over and over in his head, a goofy smile stuck on his face.

"Tae-" Your voice comes out weak and your fingers tremble against the door.

He looks up from his phone at you, standing in all your beauty in front of his eyes. Slowly, he moves closer to you, pulling you into his arms where you let a muffled sob.

"It's not too late, Y/N." He kisses your hair, rubbing the same circles into your back he used to a year ago.

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