| Chapter Three - Is this the end |

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One Year Prior

You giggle loudly from the slight buzz, knocking your hip into Tae's as he walks you to the car outside of the boy's house. His left hand is steady holding onto your left hip, and he shakes his head with a boxy grin on his face at your antics.

When you approach the car, you look up at him shyly and bite your lip before speaking, "Come with me?"

He brings his hand up to your face to hold your chin before leaning down to peck your lips lightly, sighing when he looks at your pouting face. "You know I would love to, but I have to be up insanely early tomorrow, baby."

"Damn," you swear, nodding at him. "Then come stay with me soon, yeah?" You smile sweetly at him, getting on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Pick any other night, and I promise I will be all yours," he says, smiling through his eyes at you. "I can't wait."

He leans down to you again before catching your lips in his own, snaking his arms around you to pull you closer. His warmth spreads heat throughout your body, melting you just by his gentle touch. His soft lips trace yours perfectly before his tongue is loose in your mouth, tasting every bit he can. When you finally pull back from him, he rests his forehead against yours with the biggest grin on his face. You can only imagine you mirror his exact expression: admiration.

"Well, you better get going before I just change my mind, baby." He breathes out before winking at you, causing a snort to leave you.

You roll your eyes at him before hugging his figure one last time. He kisses the top of your head as you pull away again and then opens the backseat door for you to tumble in. You wave goodbye to your man, blowing him a kiss with a laugh.

"Miss you," you mumble as he shuts the door.

His eyes never leave you as the driver pulls away, and he holds up two hand hearts until he can no longer see you. Love, you find is so exhilarating. You want to tell him; you will with time.

When the driver finally arrives at your house, you stand outside the door for a second, breathing in the fresh air with an unfaltering grin on your face. You eventually step through, letting the warmth settle over you, but wishing it was Tae instead.


Love you, baby

You smile at the card beside the flowers left at your doorstep, giving a small eye roll at the cheesiness of your boyfriend. Quickly you bring them to the kitchen table and set the card down, sighing when you pull out your phone to find no texts from the boy himself.

You knew he was getting busy again; the small break they had was finally over, and that meant he would be too caught up in work. One part of you was so committed to the relationship that you didn't want to worry about not getting to see him as much as you'd like, but a bigger part of you was worried about when he would even be able to make time for you as part of his commitment to the relationship.

He loves you; you know this without a doubt. You would never question his love because of how quick he is to express it to you, but you question his commitment. His time wasn't yours, while you had to push back work just to fit his schedule. It was tiring, but it was Tae.

With a shake of your head, you sit on the couch and send him a text.

Thanks for the flowers, love. They're beautiful xo

Almost immediately, he responded to you.

Just like my girl ;)

You leave his text on read when your phone starts ringing and the caller ID is from your manager, asking if you were still serious about staying in Seoul instead of going to the States for your transfer in the next two years to produce and write songs for a few labels there. He urges you that the money is incredible, and you'd never have to struggle again.

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