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It's been a day since Midnight left and I still can't believe she's gone. I kinda feel betrayed though. I thought that we would stick together and be best friends forever. But I guess not. Emma is also really sad. I think she really misses Midnight. Even though she spends a lot more time with me and the other horses now that Midnight is gone, I feel bad for her. I also feel that she understands how I feel. We're both going through a tough time. With Midnight being gone, everything is going slower. She was the energy in this place, now it's all gone. I'm really sad but also quite mad. How could Midnight tell me that she didn't want me to come with her? What have I ever done to make her stop liking me? It was quite rude of her to do that. Especially since she let Destiny come and not me! I mean, Destiny's not her best friend! I am! Everything is just so not fair! One day, I was outside with my friends when Emma came to me. She said, "Hey Spades, how are you doing?". I push her a little with my muzzle. She giggles. "I know you miss her, I miss her too", Emma says. She does understand! I then heard a noise coming from the woods. Emma looks too. For a moment, I thought it was Midnight. But it ended up just being a deer. I look down sadly. I really miss Midnight. Like, a lot! Emma looks at me. "It's ok, I know. You can go if you want", she says. What?! Emma's letting me go. She walks to the gate and opens it. "You can bring one friend Spades. I don't want you traveling alone" Emma says. I look around. Flash is my best friend out of the horses that are here. I neigh to him to ask if he wants to come. He says yes. Emma holds the gate open and we trot out. She closes the gate and waves to us. Her dad then came out. He saw what was happening and started screaming at Emma. "What do you think you're doing! Those are our horses!" he screams. Emma said, "We'll Spades misses Gypsy so I have to let him go!". "Well what about Flash? He was never wild. He's always lived with us!" Dad says. "Too bad" Emma says while shooing us away. I start galloping into the woods with Flash. Before I enter, I look back at Emma. She has tears in her eyes but she's smiling. Her dad is stomping away. I know she's gonna be in trouble. Emma was so good to me. I will miss her a lot. I then rear up and start galloping away into the woods where Midnight left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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