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I was awoken by a car screeching to stop. I quickly got up alarmed by the noise. "It's ok Midnight, that's just a car," Destiny said from her stall. "What's a car," I ask. "It's something the two-legged use to ride in," she said. "Ok, can it hurt us," I ask getting curious. "It can if you stand in front of it when it's moving," she said. "Ok," I said. The car door slams shut. A girl with black hair comes out. She looks inside the barn smiling. When she walked inside, I let out a loud neigh. "Hey! Shut up you crazy horse" she screams. "Katy, what are you doing here," Emma said as she walked in the barn. "I wanted to say hello, I haven't seen my family in so long," this strange Katy says. "But you live with your boyfriend," Emma says annoyed. "Ya well, I wanted to see you and the horses," Katy says. "Ok, I heard a loud noise what happened," Emma asks frightened. "Oh, this horse just neighed really loud," Katy says pointing at me. "That's Gypsy, our new mare, she came with this stallion, his name is Spades" Emma cheerfully says. "Gypsy is really pretty," Katy says. "Do you want to go on a ride later?" Emma asks. "Id love to," Katy says happily. "Let's go say hi to dad," Emma says. "Ok, I'm so happy to see my little sister," Katy says smiling. They both smile and walk out.

"Midnight are you ok," I ask after Emma and Katy left. "Ya, why wouldn't I be," she asks. "Well you neighed really loud, I never heard you do that," I say worried. "I'm fine, I just got a little scared," she says. "Ok, who do you think Emma and Katy are going to ride," I ask. "Us," Midnight says staring at the barn door. "What are you doing," I ask curiously. "I have a bad feeling about Katy," she says with a sigh. "Why," I ask. "She's just weird," she said sounding embarrassed. "Ok," I say. She stays quiet. "Are you sure you're alright?" I ask worried, she looks so sad. "Do you think you made the right decision being with me?" She asks. "Of course," I say feeling bad, did I do something to ruin the thing we had. "Do you think we will ever see the herd again?" she asks sadly. "Its a possibility," I say. "I miss them, a lot" she admits. "It's normal," I say. "How do you know" she snaps. "Um" I really don't know what just happened. Midnight makes an annoyed face, she turns away from me. Did I do something? Seriously, I don't know what happened!

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