Necessary Evil

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Outside the Dream (A Junjou
Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Fifteen: Necessary Evil


Usagi's POV:

Not even a minute after Takhiro had hung up, I called the police. It took me a moment to remember his address, but since my old friend lived so far away, it would take longer than we had to get there.

After I'd flipped my nightstand and made an angry mess of my room, the cellphone buzzed to life in my pocket with an attachment. A video.

I opened it reluctantly, and saw my dear Misaki trapped beneath a looming Takhiro who proceeded to whisper, "Smile for the camera," into his ear.

Misaki just closed his eyes tightly, as duct tape was sealed over his mouth. Takahiro leaned over to the nightstand and pulled the out of view drawer open. As he straightened himself back upon Misaki's thighs, he pulled up his shirt, exposing his bare stomach.

My stomach twisted as Takahiro pressed the blade into his skin, ripping it across his torso. Misaki's screams were muffled, but they still echoed around my skull. They tormented me.

The wound did not seem very deep, it wasn't fatal, but the next thing he did sent my sanity in a downward spiral.

Takhiro pulled back the knife and stabbed Misaki in the chest.

"N-NO!" I screamed, bringing my fist across the desk, picture frames and stuffed animals flew across the room. As I dropped my cellphone like a hot coal, I heard Mahiro's sweet little voice.


I retrieved the discarded phone and watched as Misaki's eyes roll back and his head fall to the left. A trickle of blood left his lips.

Takahiro whipped around, "M-Mahiro, go back to bed, Misaki and I are just playing a game." As Takahiro said those words, he glanced to the camera, winked, and ended the video.

The hinge on my mouth felt like it busted off and my jaw hung there for a moment in something not quite as extensive as shock. All I knew was that I would kill him, one way or another I would kill him.


Misaki's POV:

I could only see darkness, my entire body felt heavy, but I could hear Mahiro shouting my name.
"Misa-ki?" He sobbed, I could hear the tears in his sweet voice.

No, Mahiro couldn't see me like this. He couldn't see his father like this. Oh my God, Takahiro would never hurt him, would he?

I tried to open my eyes, but it seemed I had forgotten how.
"Takahiro! Misaki!" It was Manami-san, now. I heard something fall to the floor, it sounded like the phone. "Manami, don't get any closer," I felt cold steel on my neck, "or he's dead."

The crisp metal bit into my neck, but I was too numb to feel any pain.

As my sense of sound began to become increasingly dull, I felt my entire world slip from under me.


"Well, he's suffered some major blood loss, but since you two luckily have compatible blood types and you were gracious enough to donate your blood, he should make a full recovery."

"What about the scar on his stomach? Will that ever go away?"

"Unfortunately no, but he did no severe damage to his internal organs."

"Thank God...will he wake up soon?"

"To be honest, I don't know. He's been through a lot of trauma and he may sleep for another two days or two hours, there's no way we can be sure."

I felt my throat tighten, "U-Usa-gi..."

"I'll let you two be alone."

And with that, the door closed and I reeled up my tremendously heavy eyelids. The room I was in was bright, so bright to the point I had to squint to keep my eyes open. But even through my blurry vision, I could make out Usagi's face.
"Misaki," he leaned down and engulfed me in a large hug.

I started crying before I could stop myself, "Usagi."

"I'm so glad you're okay," his words broke with sobs, a truly heartbreaking tone. As happy as I was, this made no sense. How was I here? How was I alive?

Usagi soon pulled away, and sensing my confusion, said "The police showed up while you were unconscious. You passed out from an unbelievable amount of combined pain and blood loss."

I sighed inwardly, "But Takahiro..."

Usagi wore a somewhat complicated expression, "Misaki,"

Usagi paused, as if he were unsure of how he would continue. I held my breath, horrified of the answer I would hear. The air surrounding me suddenly became abruptly colder as he said,

"He's disappeared."

A/N: Sooooo sorry for the long wait on this one, bros. I've been caught up in another novel recently. I promise to get the next one out soon. Thank you, guys.

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