My Last Breath

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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Seven: My Last Breath



Usagi's POV:

I let him leave. I watched him leave. I never wanted this, I never planned on Misaki becoming so quickly reluctant, I never planned on Takahiro forbidding a relationship between us. I never planned on falling in love.

And look what's happened.

I wanted to go after him, I wanted to with all my heart, but I simply couldn't find it within myself to take Misaki away from his family. Something he hasn't had since he was just a child. Who am I to steal him from that?

Tears brimming, lips quivering, I couldn't stop my hand from reaching out and wrapping around the doorknob, it's cool metal stealing the warmth away from my palm. Palpable terror ripped through me in a tidal wave, rearing high above my head. It pulled me under, and I could only look up at my stolen world.

I did not resurface.

I simply couldn't unless there was someone to offer a hand down for me. There was no one without Misaki.

And he was gone now.

I slammed a tense fist into the door, splinters of wood slicing into the flesh of my knuckles, now bare and bloody. I flinched, and let an angered scream escape my lips.

I exhaled ragged breathes as I realized I needed him, and denying it was no use, both myself and Misaki knew that much.

I love him!

I won't let him go!

Not after everything we've been through!

I twisted the doorknob, pulled it open, and bounded outside to steal back my beloved.

The stairs had never been longer, it seemed. I leaped down them two at a time. They took the elevator down, I had to have beaten them. I would see them down stairs, and I would get him back.

Last flight, I jumped down the remaining three steps and entered the lobby.

It was empty.

Perhaps I had beaten them, they'd still be in the elevator.

At least, that's what I'd thought.


Misaki's POV:

It was raining.

And I hated driving in the rain. Takahiro sat in the drivers seat, clicking his seatbelt, and proceeding to start the car. It roared to life beneath my feet and we'd begun our drive away from the life I knew and loved.

Uncontrollable sobs rocked through my body as I sat in the passenger seat, the view of my beautiful home for four years was slowly getting smaller and smaller until completely fading from my view.

No, I wasn't crying because I wouldn't get to live in the luxurious apartment anymore.

I wasn't crying because I missed Usagi. Not because I wouldn't be able to eat with him anymore and talk with him and make love with him.

I was crying because he'd let me leave.

His last words echoed around my skull, tormenting me as we drove to the train station. I had expected him to be running down the stairs and steal me back, like he always threatened he would, should I ever be with anyone else. He'd always been protective. So why now was it when he chose to let it go?

It'd became obvious that the fact it was Takahiro taking me back was the reason he was so willing, but he would at least make a motion to stop me. I wasn't asking for him to jump to my aid, that wasn't what I'd expected, but for him to at least fight. He had promised, after all. To never let me go. He broke that promise with a vengeance, and I truly didn't know how to believe that.

Without warning, I heard Takahiro loudly gasp, and as my head whipped around to see what was wrong, he jerked the wheel to the left, veering off the rain soaked highway, through the metal railings, and into a seemingly endless gulf of water.

My head slammed vigorously into the dashboard from the abrupt stop, and as soon as I hit, I felt something snap, and like the snap of rubber band slinging back onto your hand.

Horns were honking, people were shouting, but they were all dulled by the liquid seeping through the cracks of the car. Soon we were completely drowned, and I looked to Takahiro for guidance. He was oblivious, struggling to undo his seatbelt against the increasing pressure. Mine hadn't been hooked, and I reached over to help him. My lungs stung with lack of oxygen, and it hurt more than I had expected.

We successfully managed to remove the seatbelt from around Takahiro, but now we were left with the doors. I fumbled with the handle, but it refused to open. My brother was suffering the same fate. I slammed into the glass again and again, until I couldn't feel my elbow anymore.

The water had suddenly become darker and increasing cloudy, it proceeded until I was to look at nothing but an empty darkness.

There was a fierce banging outside the window, but I was helpless to react.

I didn't want to die.

But it was too late.

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