Take It All Away

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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Eight: Take It All Away

Special thanks to sakura5151 on this chapter, bros :)



Misaki's POV:

I always used to think drowning would be the ideal way to die. Painless. Easy.

But no, it was far different than that.

As I was pulled upon the gravel, all I could hear was my name. Sometimes being shouted, others being whispered. At this point there was no pain. Only a sweet numbness covering my entire body. I didn't like being deadened, but, I suppose it's better than to be in pain.

An immense amount of pressure pushed down onto my chest, a siren wailed around my head. At this point I could have been imagining it, and I probably was, but I could have sworn I'd heard Usagi's sweet familiar voice;

"Don't you dare leave me."

Usagi's POV:

(A/N: This is Usagi's POV taking place a bit before the accident, just to avoid confusion :D)

Two different people had left the elevator before there was any sign of Misaki and Takahiro. My anxiety was wearing thin. Where was he?

Behind me, there was a shrill scream most likely from a female. I turned, and through the window saw her point at something out of my view to her friend. She stumbled with words as she tried to explain, but she fell silent as her companion's eyes widened and his mouth fell agape.

I threw the cold glass door open, and looked in the direction the girl had pointed. All that remained were rough skid marks on the road, and a section of the railing bordering the highway completely torn out.

Many of people had began to gather around the crash, one man in particular jumping down to aid the poor bastards.

There was a feeling twisting my stomach that I hated, the possibility of that being Takahiro's car bit at me, and though the chances were slim, I had to prove to myself it wasn't them.

I made my way over to the crash sight, the distinct smell of burnt rubber lacing the area. I pinched my face in disgust, and poked my head over the railing at the water below.

Just the hood of the car was still visible, and it was ever-decreasing at an alarmingly fast rate. But the dark blue of that car stood out like a scream within the calm.

My heart stopped beating.

Without another second moments hesitation, I dove into the freezing cold October water. It sent an icy chill into my bloodstream, but I didn't care at the moment, I had to get to Misaki. I saw life within the car, they struggled at they're restraints.

The man that had previously dove down was at the drivers side, and had broken the window with the help of a small yellow Window Break Tool. The small pocket knife like instrument broke the glass easily, and as soon as it gave away, he thrust his hands into the car.

He turned to me for a moment and wildly gestured to the other side of the car. I knew Misaki was the one that dwelled on the other side. He offered me the tool, and I took it greedily as he returned to the car.

I followed his direction and swam around to his side, and there he was, his eyes open, but they were glazed over like newly cut glass. His emerald orbs now held a Thousand Yard Stare quality, and his slim body swayed in the water. I looked at the tool, but had no idea how to use it. I had never seen something like this before, and had no knowledge of how it worked. So in lack of any other options, I pressed the instrument against the glass, and pushed roughly. To my relief, the window shattered just as the other one did. I pushed away the remaining shards, cutting my arms a bit in the process. I wrapped my arms around his slender frame and pulled him out.

I swum to the surface and dragged him along until we found gravel. I gulped down air by the lungful.

But Misaki...

Oh God, my Misaki...

A gash on his forehead bled profusely, and I was helpless to stop it. An alarming amount of crimson dyed his forehead a sickening color.

I leaned over him, pinched his nose closed and, lifting his chin, placed my mouth over his, making a seal with my lips. I blew slowly, but was sure to be firm. I did my best to remember anything and everything I'd learned in health class. I wish I'd payed more attention. I wish I had asked more questions. But that's all I could do, now.


I blew again.

There was nothing.

A flurry of noise became suddenly apparent behind me, and I turned to see three paramedics closing the distance between us with a stretcher in hand. I backed away and gave them full access to Misaki.

They crowded around him, and put an oxygen mask over his face before long. They lifted him onto the stretcher and immediately pushed him into the ambulance.

I hadn't even noticed Takahiro.

He sat only feet away from me. One paramedic was testing his reflexes and giving him oxygen, but he soon shooed him away claiming he was fine.


Misaki is in a state of nothingness and Takahiro's just fine?

I whipped back, and looked down at his pallid face. He held his glasses in his left hand as he rubbed his eyes with the other. I grabbed the collar of his drenched shirt and pulled him up to me, he dropped his glasses at the motion.

"What the fuck happened?" I demanded.

Takahiro looked terrified, most likely caused from the previous trauma, but I took advantage of it nevertheless. "Answer me!" I shook him.

"Usami, the car just swerved, I had nothing to do with it, Misaki told Tatsuo to save me first-"


"Tatsuo, the man that saved me. He'd gone to Misaki first, but he said Misaki told him to save me instead."

I was livid.

"And you let that happen?!" I growled, throwing him back down to the sand. He fell back, and I was seeing red. I held no remorse.

"Takahiro," I began. But there were no words to convey my anger, and greif and hate.
"I am going to kill you."

Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant