Epilogue: Consummate

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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)
Epilogue: "Consummate"

In honor of season three being released yesterday, I felt a consummating (and rather mushy) epilogue was in order! Go watch the first episode online and support the series by buying a copy on DVD if you enjoy it, new episodes every Wednesday. Thanks guys, now on with the story!


Usagi's POV:

"All tucked in?" I asked Ai, pulling the covers up to the young boy's chin.

He nodded, but after a moment poked his arms out of his cocoon of blankets and grabbed a small, leather-bound notebook on his nightstand. Offering it to me, he grinned ear-to-ear.

I sighed inwardly, accepting the book from Ai's small hands, "Where did we leave off?"

"Matt just found a cure for the disease!" He recalled, smiling widely at the memory. I flicked through the pages, searching for the last chapter. "We're almost done then, huh?"

Soon I began reading, although the combination of fading pencil and my own bad handwriting made it difficult to do so. "'Matt found himself sprinting back to his home, there was nothing else left for him here. Ben was waiting at the front door, his face contorted in a look of angst-'"

I stopped talking instantly, remembering the ending of the book which consisted of the death of the main protagonist's daughter and the implied death of said protagonist. An ending like that would result in Ai spending sleepless nights thinking of alternate endings that would be so much more fulfilling. That's just the kind of boy he was.

"What is it? Is Ella okay?" He asked, his sapphire eyes growing in concern.

I gave my head a shake and replied, "Of course. I just forgot how it ended for a minute."

Ai relaxed a little into his bed, but none too convincingly. I took a deep breath and began reading from a fake script in my head.

Although the fake-ending was rather cliché (and badly written considering I had to make it up as I went along) Ai seemed more than content with the concluding chapter. With half-lidded eyes, he looked at me and the strangest smile twisted his lips. I arched an eyebrow.

"What?" I questioned.

"How did it really end?"

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed in disbelief. "That was how it ended, Ai."

He rolled onto his side and pulled my old teddy bear, Suzuki-san, to his chest. "Sounds a little too good to be true."

I sighed at the seven-year-old, wondering how he could possibly piece it together when he's half asleep. "You are just like your dad," I muttered, bringing my lips to his forehead and reaching over to turn off his blue, star-patterned lamp.

"Goodnight, buddy. I love you."

"I love you too, Papa."

As I stood and turned to leave, I saw Misaki standing in the doorway, a sleeping Mika in his arms. After kissing her cheek, I brushed my lips across Misaki's and touched my forehead to his. "You didn't give me that alternate ending," he chided softly.

I chuckled, "He's getting more and more like you everyday, Angel."

Even after so many years his cheeks still reddened when I called him that. And I loved it more than ever.

Taking Mika softly into my arms, being ever so careful not to rouse her, I strode to the other corner of the room and set her down in her pink and white cradle. Pillows much larger than she needs border the bed with elegant lace sown into them. Two different teddy bears sit on either side of her, one chosen by me and the other one by Misaki.

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