Chapter 6-More Questions Asked

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6.More Questions Asked

They unhooked the rope, while we were just on the edge of a huge inside exhibit. The meds began wearing off as I walked out into the green grass that was taller than me. As I strolled into the open and my gaze settled on a giant male lion, who greeted, “Hello newcomer.”

“Hi…” I gulped shocked. I met his gaze and I didn’t see a mean gaze, but instead a friendly one.

“Follow me,” he ordered and with no question, I obeyed. His voice was gentle, but his size struck me as a menace to other lions and that is what scared me.

I stayed right on his feet as we walked toward the back edge. I sped up some; so I was walking right beside him as I inquired, “What’s your name?”

He peeked at me sheepishly and replied, “Sorry…I forgot to tell you…My name is John Haptown…I’m the trainer for the new human recruits…”

“Were you a human?” I asked, having to take a skip to keep up with his long legs.

“Yes, I was,” he answered sadly, letting his head king of hang before questioning, “Now what’s your age, sonny? And how old are you?”

“James Otter, age eight,” I told swiftly as we started to slow down as the stone den became in throwing distance.

“Well, James…let’s get you fed and rested before training begins tomorrow,” he commented as we stopped right outside the stone den that rose about six feet above me. It was huge and made of gray stone with a wide entrance, which allowed the smell of fresh hay waft out.

We headed around the side of the den, where a huge pile of raw beef waited. He nudged me toward and I devoured a large chunk before looking at him; so I could ask, “Mr. John…have you seen my friend Robby? Robby Towns?”

“Yea, he just got here about a day ago,” he answered thoughtfully as he rubbed his head into my side, pushing me back toward the entrance of the den. “Sleep well, James.” He left and I slowly entered. The inside was oval shaped; plus, it was dark and had more of a musky smell. The floor was covered in the dry hay; so I bunched a ton together and settled into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning, I woke to find myself surrounded by warm, young lions, making me wonder if they were all humans once too. I rose and carefully maneuvered through the swarm of bodies: then I began to explore my new home, making sure to go into any crack that I could fit. I crawled all over the den, feeling out every crevice before the other lions were up and about. I jumped back down the stone and waited for Mr. John to appear. I quickly spotted him and hurried down to his side. I kept a steadily jogged at his side as I greated, “Hi Mr. John.”

“Good morning, James. I hope you slept well,” he replied as Robby headed towards us. “Robby will show you to where you need to be.”

“Robby!” I screamed, receiving a nasty glare from Robby.

“Hi…” Robby grumbled as he stopped in front of me. “Follow me.” He lead me to a large rock, where the others laid around it; while a big lioness rested on the tippy top. We laid down at the bottom and he scooted away from me.

“Good day class. Is there anyone new today?” she inquired and dor some odd reason, I raised my tail. “Very good then. My name is Glory,” she introduced before facing the others. “I’m going to explain to the new cub, while the rest of you go find Sarah.” They quickly dispersed, including Robby; then I climbed up nearer to Glory. She nudged her head against mine before she asked, “What’s your name, sonny?”

“James…James Otter…madam…” I answered slowly as I sharpened my claws on the rock.

“Welcome James, this is how your life will be from here on. Once a year the scientists will give you a full body check up. Until you are ready to live on your own, you will stay here and learn how to pounce, hunt, fight, and act like a proper lion. Once you are ready, you will live in the main exhibition; then after about fifteen years, you will hopefully be transformed back,” she explained quickly as she stared off at the back wall. She got up and nudged me again till I rose. “Come with me, sonny James.”

As we walked toward the back wall, I questioned, “How long do regular lions live?”

“Mmmm a good question, sonny…I believe it’s about fifteen years, but it could be longer…but I do know that us experiment lions live like a human,” she answered before she pushed me into a large dog crate at the edge of the exhibit. She latched the door behind me as I spun around to face her, terrified. “Don’t worry, James. The vet will get to you soon,” she mewed calmly before padding off, leaving me alone.

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