Chapter 5-Bird-girl and Good-byes

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5.Bird-Girl and Good-byes

I had been watching the girl sleep because sleep decided to elude me; so when she woke, a smile crossed my face. “Good morning…my name is James,” I introduced as she looked at me strangely.

“Hello James…I’m Jane…” she replied as her gaze was glued to my tail. “Um…what are you?”

“I believe that I’m a lion…” I answered politely as I scooted even closer. “I hope you slept well…”

“I did…” she mumbled as she glanced around before looking back at me. “How long have you been here?” she asked curious as a cat.

“Not sure,” I muttered as I glanced away. “I’m going to try to sleep…it was nice to meet you, Jane…”

“Okay…” she said as her eyes watched me lay down. “Sleep well…”

When I woke, I glanced at Robby’s cage to find it empty; then I turned around to see Jane awakening too. Her gaze immediately landed on her food bowl and she screamed before looking at me. “James…do they really expect us to eat this?” she inquired terrified as she just stared at it like it was going to eat her.

I peeked at her bowl and it was filled to the brim with several different kinds of berries and alive slimy worms. I met her eyes as I giggled, “Yes, they do…I know it’s weird and disgusting looking, but they won’t give you anything else…Go on…try it…it isn’t that bad…” She stared at me like I was insane; while I tore my meat apart, which was difficult because of my lack of hands. I glanced at her and saw her nibbling at her food. I smiled before I finished the last couple bites of the bloody goodness. “Not so bad, huh?”

“No…not so bad…are you sleepy?” she yawned as she devoured the last worm. I nodded because we both knew that there was no need for explanation and we both were fast asleep within minutes.

I awoke later and barely glanced at Jane, who smiled at me. My eyes immediately locked onto her beak and I said confused, “Ja…ROAR!”

“What?” she muttered as she looked at me; then she rubbed her nose, discovering the change. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! A BEAK!! I HAVE A BEAK!!”

“ROAR!” I yelled, becoming even more puzzled.

“YOU…can’t talk…you must be a full lion now…o James!” she exclaimed so loud, it hurt my round sensitive ear. “I’m so sorry James.”

I pawed the bars between us, knowing that they would soon come for me. Tears flooded down my cheeks as Jane and I just sat there for hours, waiting till they arrived. When they did, they shoot me with a sleeping dart. As the medicine was absorbed by my over-willing body, they attached a rope around my neck and led me away from the horrible cages.

Author's note-

Jane was supposed to be another of those characters that was a minor character. She started out as just one that James just glanced at, but then she gained dialogue and personality.

What do you think of Jane? Is she worthy of another appearance? Or should she remain a small character?

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