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jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
ok minsoo i regret the bet i regret it all omfg

el moron needs to love me more

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
the guy i like is staring at his phone and smiling and i want to c r y
i'm sorry dude i love you but like
oh my god i like him so much
why does he h u r t me that way

el moron needs to love me more
i get you

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
he's not smiling anymore ok we're good
my heart stopped hurting
even if he looks so pretty when he smiles
like a bunny
wait no pls smile again you light up my life
why does he look sad now
pls don't look sad
fuck it hurts

el moron needs to love me more
are you using me to communicate your feelings to him
even though he doesn't know about it

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up

el moron needs to love me more
ask him what he's smiling about

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
n o

el moron needs to love me more
why not?

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
because he'll think i'm being creepy

el moron needs to love me more
ofc not

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
ok ok i'm gonna ask him

el moron needs to love me more
dude you've been best friends with him for seven years

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
oh god no i can't do this he just laughed his laugh is the most adorable thing on earth oh god my heart

el moron needs to love me more
you're absolutely hopeless

jonwoo needs to shut the fuck up
but you love me anyway ;)

seen at 11:29am

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