Chapter 28 - So Fucking Formal!

Start from the beginning

Both men are still whispering, making me feel nervous. That Anton guy is certainly not one you would like to mess up with, even if his face holds something reassuring.

The same petite woman I briefly saw yesterday morning suddenly surges from the open kitchen, carrying a tray of breakfast food.

"Good morning, Sir," she says in a Spanish accent, smiling warmly at me.

"You're five minutes late," Mr. Vargas grumbles, peeking at his watch.

So much for the good mood...

"Good morning to you as well," I chant sarcastically.

Should I laugh at the old woman's gasp and the other man's smug expression as he tries to stifle a chuckle? Or should I apologize and cower away from the tall man who instantly rises to his feet and turns to me, anger flaming up in his eyes? I had already guessed that Mr. Vargas doesn't deal well with insolence, so I can only imagine it's worse in the presence of other people.

Nonetheless, if I eventually accept his offer and decide to stay here, there is no way I'm going to fear him, so I don't look down while he glowers at me and until he caves in and turns toward the old woman.

"Anita, this is Aaron, and Aaron," he then addresses me, "this is Anita, my housekeeper. Anita takes care of the cleaning, the laundry. She also occasionally cooks and does grocery shopping too."

"Hi, Anita, nice to meet you," I say warmly, and she nods with a smile before she shyly heads upstairs.

"You've already met Anton Anderson, so no need for further introductions for now," Mr. Vargas says as he returns to his chair. "Take a seat and have breakfast," he then adds, pointing at the chair on his left.

Orders, always orders. Jeez! Is he a dictator or what?

"When are we going to talk?" I ask, interrupting him as he is resuming his conversation with his chauffeur.

While Mr. Anderson coughs, discreetly containing another chuckle, the boss turns to me with his usual scowl.

"We'll talk when I'm done with Anton," he answers dryly. "For now, eat your breakfast."

"What's this?" I ask, ignoring his command and opening the folder beside me.

Since said folder bears my name, I guess I should be allowed to have a look, but Mr. Vargas snatches it from my hands and tosses it further away on the long table. At the same moment, someone crushes my left foot and when I look up at Anton who's sitting across from me, his expression says something like Don't push it too far.

"Just. Fucking. Eat."

Another glaring contest might have started, but this time, I'm first to avert my eyes because Mr. Vargas' are far too intense right now. Maybe it's time to behave a bit better? Almost... Just almost. Sighing heavily, I take a sip of my tea which tastes far better than the piss-like brew we had at hospital, then put a couple of pancakes and a toast on my plate and also grab a strawberry yogurt from the tray. I can't help eying the folder that is out of my reach now, wondering about its exact contents. I bet it's the set of rules Mr. Vargas mentioned yesterday.

Lost in my thoughts, I manage to tune them out while I eat, at least until my stomach feels sated after a glass of fresh orange juice to swallow my medication. Damn! It was good!

"Okay, sounds like a busy week then," Anton says at some point, checking what looks like an agenda.

"Same for the upcoming weekend," Mr. Vargas replies thoughtfully, briefly peeking at me.

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