7; Deathly Kisses

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It's been two days since carter left me here alone.. I thought about calling him but he has my phone... Well, fuck.

I sit at the island in the kitchen and sigh. I decide to look around. Why not?

As I walk down the hall, I see a wooden door with nothing on it. I slowly twist the knob and see boxes upon boxes. Nope. Not today.

I walk out and close the door, heading across the hallway. I see a door entitled "Austin" on it. There's music notes and posters all over it. I twist the knob and gasp. There's so many posters and things. There's guitars on the walls and a drumset, a little recording section.. wow.. this must be Carter's brothers stuff. I walk out and close the door, heading back to the last door, "stay out"

I, being my nosy self, attempt to open the locked door. Fahk.

I grab a bobby pin out of my hair but it fails. Well.

Walking to the kitchen, I search through drawers and find a key that unlocks the door. I open it and see pictures, guitars, drums, a keyboard, a microphone, holy fuck. This kid.

I walk to the desk and see recent writings. Dated from a couple days before he left. Oh..

"August 17th,

I brought Lilly out to the old beach house. She seems to like it here. She does get annoying sometimes... but that's me being my bipolar self. I just hope she doesn't find out about it. I think I really like her. Maybe. I dunno. Memas been gone for a year... it's tough... she's my angel... sigh.. alright, bye...

~Carter M."

Oh my god... what did I just read.. that's too personal. I hear a door slam and Carter's voice. Fuck. Shit. What now.

I close the door and rush to the back patio, relaxing. I hear him come out and sigh. I try my best to act like I'm asleep. he picks me up and takes my to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry.." with that he walks out, shutting the door silently. I get up five minutes later and walk to the kitchen to see him sitting at the counter. with the key.... oh shit...

"Why." His voice remains monotone and he doesn't move his stare.

"I uhm.. I. I was just.." I can't fathom any sentences. I find myself once again, stuttering at the Carter Mahone's glares.

"I know you read it, Lilly. I know you understood what those pills were for. I know you take them too."

How the.. no, Lilly he's lying.
"No I-"

"Don't try to lie Lilly. I searched your stuff the night you came here. Oops."

"Carter.. who's Mema..?" I catch his muscles tensing and he clenches his jaw.

"My grandmother but she passed. She always called me and my brother her little angels. I'm anything but. She's my angel.."

A tear slips down his cheek and I run up and embrace him in a tight caring hug.

"I'm sorry.. for everything I've ever done to make you mad. I'm sorry I snooped. I'm sorry okay? please I'm sorry.. don't hate-"

His lips on mine. The feeling as they mold against mine. They fit just right. The taste of him. Carter Mahone, minty yet alcoholic. His plump pinkish red lips swollen now, he kisses my forehead and wraps me in his strong, masculine arms.

Once again, I find myself getting lost in Carter Mahone's deadly kisses...


Okay guys I haven't updated but next chapter. 8is intense kinda soooo. Yeah it's late so goodnight. Update tomorrow!

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