7. Sunny

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I don't know where I'm going, I just need to go.

I know that there was no way for Harry to comprehend how his conversation would have such an impact on me, but I still had to get out of there before he pushed the subject further, asked more questions.

And for a moment I thought he was going to reach across and touch me. Thank God he didn't—for a number of reasons.

It's one thing to lie close to each other at night—something I am becoming surprisingly comfortable with—but it's an entirely different thing to be in our underwear. Although Harry is always in his underwear—insisting on his boxers everyday. To be honest, until this moment, I'd stopped noticing. Seeing the faded black tattoo poking out on his left thigh had just become the norm.

I tried to see what it was actually a tattoo of one day—purely for curiosity's sake—but Harry caught me staring and made fun of me relentlessly.

Today, he probably assumed I would be uncomfortable as soon as he started talking about love. And that probably would have been my response a week ago. But seeing the pure laziness that he's exhibited has been the biggest turn-off I've ever experienced. I don't care what he thinks of me anymore.

Plus, what is with that stupid nickname? It makes no sense. Why can't he just call me by real name? It's not good enough for him? I may not have always loved my name, but it was mine. And no one has ever had a problem with saying it before His majesty. Of course he just laughs every time I bring up the subject.

I wish I could just tell him how upset he's making me, but I could never.

Only a few more days, at the most.

The birds around me must be sensing my agitation and joining in. They are so loud right now, I can barely think. Maybe that's a good thing.

Looking around, I realize for the first time that I've never been in this area of the island before. My brain had been screaming so powerfully to get away from Harry, that I hadn't been paying attention to which path I had taken. I don't worry. I'll see something familiar eventually that will lead me back home.

Well, not home, just our current sleeping spot.

Plus, the last time I got lost here, I ended up making one of the best discoveries since we landed.

I smile as I remember finding the piece of flint on the unused path yesterday. At first, I couldn't believe my luck, and then I was thanking the sun above for shining at just the right angle for me to see it.

When I had to start the fire at camp with sticks, it took me three hours. Harry tried to help half heartedly, but of course couldn't. By the time I was done, my arms were puddles of numbness.

I make a point to never let the fire die, but I know it will rain here eventually and there will be nothing I can do. With the flint and metal buttons from Harry's shirt, maybe even he could start the fire.

I doubt it, but it's possible.

Back in the present, I'm surprised to suddenly notice a type of tree that I hadn't seen here before, and as I get closer I see it's a mango tree. Yes! Maybe we can start supplementing our coconut, banana, and fish diet. I hope I'll be able to find this spot again because I need to go back to camp and grab a basket or something to gather them.

They are low enough that I'm able to reach one if I stand on my toes, so I decide to take it to eat while I'm walking. I immediately take one glorious bite, savoring the flavor of something that isn't coconut, banana, or fish, and mentally run through the supplies at camp—deciding what I should bring back here to collect more.

Stranded with the Rockstar (Rockstar #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin