29. Harry

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*Sorry for the delayed updated! I went on a trip and thought I'd have time to write, but didn't. Thank you all for reading! One more chapter after this one until part 2 comes out!*

The rain hasn't stopped, and it's not a light drizzle. It's rolling clouds and claps of thunder and an occasional flash of lightning. It's been a week of this.

None of them have left the boat save the occasional visit to the latrine, and for that they've been taking turns with Niall's rain poncho. They've gone through all of Niall's books, eventually taking turns reading aloud when Harry's voice gave out.

It didn't take long to understand what David had gone through. The sun never shows itself, and the air is unbelievably cold. If they were still in their raft/tent, it would be difficult to get up everyday. The three of them are dry on the boat, at least.

But their moods had all hardened, even Niall's. He spends most of his time in the bedroom, alone. Which would normally make Harry glad, but Sunny seems to have retreated into herself too.

The first couple nights after they 'made up', they  slept together on the floor. It was harder than the ground outside, and definitely harder than the cushioned benches, but it was worth it to be able to be together.

When Harry went to lay blankets down on the third night, he noticed Sunny was already sleeping on her bench. And that's how it's been since.

Now, he finds himself starting arguments over nothing, getting angry despite telling himself not to, being overall melancholy and mournful.

"I hope this rain doesn't last too much longer," Harry offers as he cuts up one of the coconuts they'd saved. He marvels at how easy this is with an actual knife.

Sunny shrugs. "In some parts of the world, it can last for months."

Niall looks at her then, and Harry tries to discourage the jealousy that shows it's angry head. "Months?!"

She just shrugs in response. Harry hands each of them some fruit. Somehow he had become the responsible one, making sure every one ate and drank everyday. A role he was surprised to take on, but has done so nonetheless. Sunny did it for him in the beginning, so he can do it for her too.

Sunny takes one bite of the coconut and sets it aside. She lies down on the bench and closes her eyes. She slept all day yesterday, barely eating or drinking anything. She's already skin and bones, now swimming in her flannel shirt and his pants. He feels helpless.

Niall notices too, and gives a look to Harry before turning back to her. "Are you alright? Sunny?"

Sunny? What the hell? Niall calls her Roma. 'Sunny' is not his name to call her. When did this start?

Harry's hands ball into fists. He has to get out of here, or he's going to say or do something that he regrets. "Sunny? Let's go for a walk."

It will kill two birds with one stone. He needs to get out of this cramped space, and he is sure she does too. She's used to wide, open spaces. It won't solve all her ailments, but it won't hurt, either.

"But it's raining." She doesn't open her eyes.

"I don't care." He places his arm behind her back and lifts her into a sitting position. "You can have the parka. It seems to only be drizzling right now."

After a few more feeble arguments, Sunny and Harry are on the beach, her in the royal blue, plastic parka that looks enormous on her small frame, and he getting soaked to the bone.

"I'm fine, Harry, really, we can go back inside."

He begins walking, not answering her and hoping she follows. He hears the swishing of her feet after a few seconds. Neither of them speak during the walk. And eventually they reach their old campsite.

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