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                    *Leda's POV*

'I was woken up to Sarah shaking me slightly.'

"Babe wake up!!"


Hmmm... what?

'I said sleepily.'

"Wake up!! Get dressed."

Where are we going??

"I will explain later; but right now you have got to get dressed."

'Where I fell asleep in nothing but a shirt I decided to just leave that shirt on. I quickly fixed my hair and makeup. I put in my side nose ring. I threw on my black choker and a sliver necklace.'

'Sarah was wearing a suit. A white button down shirt with a black blazer, some black pants and red lipstick! She looked stunning.'

'Before heading out the door I snapped a picture of us and put it on Instagram.'

MooncallerLedaMuir: I love you more than life itself 💕

'After that we headed out the door!'

When we got in the car I noticed our suitcases? Where are we going?

'I asked with a chuckle.'

"You'll see!!"

'Sarah said with the hugest grin on her face.'

'We get to the airport there's Jessica, Taissa, Frances and Evan!!'

'They all waved at us.'

Hey guys!!

'We all hugged.'

'Sarah handed me my ticket.'

"Well here's your surprise we are all going to Hawaii!!"

'We all shared another group hug.'

'When we boarded the plane they were playing Hawaii by The Beach Boys.'

'I couldn't stop smiling!! I was going to my favorite place with my favorite people.'

                 *Sarah's POV*

'When we got off the plane the first thing we did was checked into our suite. It was huge!! It had 3 rooms, a kitchen, huge bathrooms, a huge tub with a big flat screen tv hanging in front of it. The windows were huge and you could see the whole beach and the ocean for miles. It was absolutely perfect.'

'By the time we got there the sun was already setting. So we decided to unpack and just spend some time at the beach for tonight. Evan and Taissa took one room, Leda and I took one room, Jessica and Frances took the other one.'

'We all got changed and went down to the beach. It was nighttime and you could see billions upon billions of stars. There was people on the beach having huge bonfires, playing volleyball, eating, people night surfing. I could feel the soft sand beneath my feet, getting squished between my toes with every step I took. You can smell the different types of food in the air, you could feel the warmth of the fires and hear the waves crashing on the shore. Everyone was laughing, talking and generally having a good time. There were people handing out glow necklaces and bracelets, we all took some and headed out to the water to night surf. After riding a few waves me, Leda, Jessica, Taissa and Frances were all sitting on our boards just chilling, until Evan rode by spraying us with water. We all squealed and laughed.'

"Evan I knew that was you."

'Leda said while chuckling.'

"No way!"

"Yeah because you surf like a skater!"

'Leda said while laughing.'

'Evan tipped Leda's board over and she fell into the water.'

'We all ganged up on him tipping his board over making him fall into the water.'

"Ledaaaaa it's almost midnight!!"

'Jessica said while smiling at Leda.'

"What happens at midnight?"

'Leda asked curiously.'

'Me, Jessica, Taissa, Frances and Evan all shared a smile.'


'Leda asked.'

"You'll see."

'Taissa said while smiling at her.'

'Then the fireworks started going off above us. The people on the beach started cheering.'

'Leda's eyes were huge! They were filled with amazement and excitement!'


'Leda said.'

'Evan did a victory screech.'

'Tonight was truly amazing and this vacation is only going to get better.'

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