Planning Surprises.

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                 *Sarah's POV*

'I wake up early in the morning with Leda still sleeping peacefully next to me, her pink hair fanned out all over the pillow, the only thing that was around her body was the blankets. Last nights events flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but to smile. That was the first time me and Leda have had sex with each other. Last night was one of the greatest nights of my existence and I'm hoping for better to come. I looked down at Leda and felt my heart swell up with love for her. I grabbed my phone and texted Jessica.'

Hey Jess, so I had such an amazing night with Leda last night. I'm truly in love with her. She's the one.. I was wondering if you will come with me to pick out Leda's engagement ring. Xoxo - Sarah

'I felt my phone vibrate a few moments later.'

Omg!! Of course I would love to go with you!! How do you plan on asking her??

'I smiled and wrote back.'

'I will tell you the whole idea when I home pick you up. See you in a couple of hours.'

'I took a quick shower and quickly got ready, hoping to avoid waking Leda up; but that failed.'

'Just as I was putting on the finishing touches to my makeup Leda walks in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.'

"Where are you going?"

'She asked while she yawned.'

I'm going out with Jessica.

'That wasn't a lie but I didn't have to tell her the rest of it okay.'

"Okay I hope you guys have fun!! Tell Jessica I love her."

'Before Leda could walk in the shower I gently grabbed her arm.'

I love you!

'We shared a kiss.'

"I love you too!!"

           *Leda's POV*

'Since Sarah was out with Jessica and I was ahead on my writing I decided to take a me day. When I got out of the shower I dried off and just threw an oversized shirt on me.. that's it.. no panties, no pants.. I mean it's just me here so who cares. I went and sat on my bed and pulled out the bong. I loaded it up and took bong rip after bong rip. The room was clouded  with smoke.'

'While I was stoned I couldn't help but to think of last night. All of it played through my mind like a movie. Sarah was my first and it was everything I expected it to be. I closed my eyes re-living the memories, running my fingers across my bottom lip, just thinking about our heated kisses. Fuck I really wish she was here right now.'

'An hour after taking bong rips my mind was screaming for a cigarette. I put it between my lips and lit it up. Smoking cigarettes when your high or drunk is literally the best feeling ever. While I was sitting there enjoying my cigarette I got hungry. I ordered some pizza.'

'By the time the delivery guy came the house reeked of pot. As soon as I opened the door a bunch of smoke hit him in the face. I also answered the door pantless,   I was too stoned to care. I invited him inside. I payed him extra, offered him a bong rip and told him to take a couple slices of that pizza with him because he will definitely have the munchies later.'

'After munching down on some pizza I took a few more bongs rips and that put me to sleep.'

                 *Jessica's POV*

'When me and Sarah got out of the ring shop we stopped for lunch.'

So how do you plan on asking her?

'I asked as I lit my cigarette.'

"Wellllll.... I was thinking we could all go to Hawaii together. Me, you, Leda, Taissa, Evan and Frances. We do a weeks vacation there and I just ask her while we are there."

"So do you think you can manage to get Taissa and them together and tell them about our plan?"

'I smiled.'

I got you 100 percent!!

'I can't wait to see Little Leda's face when all of this unfolds. She's going to be so happy!!'

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