2: No Response..

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Lucy's POV

My eyes slowly slid open as I felt the sun's burning rays landing on my face. The window was right in front of us, and now I remember. Last night, Natsu said the most cutest thing to me.


I swiftly turn my head to my right, and I see a certain pink-haired high school classmate snoring like a bear.

I slept beside him the entire night....

That's ok. I love him. I don't have to make a big deal about it anymore. Things are different...

I stare at his snoring face again. He's lying on his stomach and his snored are muffles by the pillows he's currently drooling on. I can't help but smile. I've never seen him sleep so peacefully before... His face just makes me want to tremble with smiles and red cheeks.
I move closer to his lying body and wrap both my arms around his muscular chest, feeling his body warmth mixing with mine. He's just so warm. I hope he doesn't have a flu or anything..

"Luce?" Natsu sleepily chuckles, "you're still here, huh?" His body rotates to face mine. His face is only centimeters away from my tomato-colored face. "I'm glad you didn't leave." He admits. He flashes that heart-warming smile at me. A smile that can make any girl like me fall in love with him.

"Yeah, Natsu." I grinned as I played with his messy bed-hair, "Of course I didn't." His arms was now around my waist as he held me closer, embracing me silently. I like this side of him. His caring and honest side. It makes me so sure that he was definitely the same boy I met 10 years ago.

"Hey, Natsu." I mumble, breaking the love aura, "We have class today, right? I gotta get ready.." I inform glumly.

"Aughh whyyyyy?!" Natsu whines as he buries his sobbing face into one of his pillows.

"Natsu, we can't skip today. Graduation is really soon and we can't miss anymore days!" I explain, playing with his hair to comfort him. "Come on, Natsu. I can help you get ready.."

I can't hear anything from him. Only his faint breathing that is halfway muffled by the pillow in his face.

"He went back to sleep.. Didn't he.." I frown as I slide off the bed. "Well, Natsu, if you ARE awake, please show up at class today. Love you." I reached over the bed as kissed the top of his head. The door creaks as I take my leave.


"Good morning, everyone!" I greet as I enter the classroom.

"Heartfilia," Mira says sternly as she walks towards me, "I'd like to have a word with you." Before I can ask anything, she pushes me into the hallway. "Lucy," she began, breathing in and out to maintain her anger, "I told you, you have to be back in the dorm before curfew. Where were you?!" she insists, narrowing her eyes as she stared into mine.

"Ohh, about that.." I say as heat gathers to my cheeks; remembering last night, "I fell asleep in Natsu's dorm room yesterday.." I explain.

Silence fills the hallway as Mirajane stares blankly at me. I know it, she's thinking of a good consequence. I probably have to sit in the hallway with both my arms up and a sign hanging around my neck the reads 'I broke curfew' dammit.

Mirajane's mouth slowly opens, "O-Okay..." she stammers, seeming shocked, "T-Too much info, Lucy-san.." She says awkwardly as she strolls back into the classroom.

Wait, What does she mean by too much info...


"Wait, Mira-sensei! Not that kind of sleep!!" I burst out as I chase her back into the classroom. "And aren't you going to give me some kind of consequence or something?!"

She shakes her head in disappointment, "No. Lucy, sit down now, I'm taking attendance,"

I sit down slowly in my desk, feeling all the awkward stares from my classmates directed to me. I swear, this happens everyday.

"Alright, Natsu?" Mirajane calls; taking the attendance.


She sighs heavily, "Skipping class again."

I told him he shouldn't skip again.. Something's wrong here, he knows that the graduation is important. Why isn't he here?

Please tell me he's okay..


"I'm visiting Natsu." I inform as I walk into the boys' dorm. I walk up the stairs, considering Natsu's dorm room is only on the second floor of the building. My mind is set blank as I walk down the door-filled corridor. The only thing on my mind is to see if Natsu's ill or not - To find out why he didn't attend classes today. If he just didn't want to go... Well then the next day I will literally drag him everywhere, including the 'deadly' class.

I knock on his door immediately, not taking the time to contemplate whether it's a good idea or not. "Natsu," I call out , hoping I'm not wasting any breath. "Open the door please."

I wait for a response, but all I get in return is silence.

... Does he just not want to speak to me?

Feeling like a loser, I push on his door slightly and hear a silent creak. The corridor lights shine through his dim room as I slowly push his door wide. All I see on the bed is his blankets crumpled up and his pink hair sticking out from the top. Don't tell me.... He's sleeping?

"Natsu.." I say quietly, trying not to do anything that will make him snap. I tip-toe over to his bed and rest my body beside his, staring at the dark ceiling. "Are you okay, Natsu?" I whisper, hoping he'd respond - even if he was asleep.

His hand peaks out from the blanket and lays beside his head. I grab onto it. I just feel like he needs someone to comfort him right now. I don't know why, just a feeling.

"Lucy..." He says weakly. His voice is uneven, as if he hasn't talked in months. "Lucy, please don't be mad." He continues, grasping onto my hand tighter.

Shocked, I respond, "Why would I be mad?.."

"Because..." His face turns away from his pillow to face me. His eyes look a little moist as his lips are shaped into a frown. "I didn't attend the class today, even though you told me I had to."

I chuckle a little, "Natsu, it's not a big deal. You don't have to cry." I mess up his already-messy hair a little more.

"No, Lucy! You don't understand!" He implies, raising his voice but still remaining calm. "I don't want to graduate!"


I labeled the story 'PG' for a reason.

Anyways, HONTONI GOMEN, MINNA!  It's been a while since I've updated ANY story. Like, I think it's been a month. I just want to tell you that it's because
1. School is a pain in the ass
2. I have a lack of writing ideas
SO YEAH I hope releasing this chapter gets me back on track with my writing!

Thanks for reading!

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