We lose our way, let the world start to creep in

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(A/N: Choosing which adorable gif/pic of pesy to put at the beginning of each of these chapters is a STRUGGLE, you guys. Why are they so cute?😭ugh. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! And please let me know what you think!!:)


Lindsey's words echo in my mind for the rest of the night. I think you need a plan. And I do. We talked about it a bit more during our session, why I was so afraid and how I needed to work to get over that. Lindsey reminded me that I need to sort things out myself before I try to add another person to the mix again, but all I've been thinking about is what I can do to make it up to Jesy.

Grand gestures are nice and all, but Jesy is a girl who appreciates the little, everyday things. Plus, if I go for the grand gesture straight away, that's kinda knobby, isn't it? So, I decide to start slowly working my way back into her good graces, and eventually her heart, on Monday. I'll do nice things for Leigh and Jade too, because it's important that I repair the friendships I've screwed up as well.

I show up for our session on monday a little late but with tea and biscuits for all and am received warmly.

"Thank you, Pezza!" Leigh says excitedly as she takes her cup, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Thanks, Perrie," Jade offers with a little smile from her side of the table.

Jesy turns her gaze to meet mine, and I swear I can't breathe. I somehow manage to bridge the physical gap between us, and I hand her her cup.

"Thank you, Perrie," Jesy says softly. I feel physical pain, right in my gut, when I look in her eyes.

"No problem," I say with a nod. "It's, ah- hopefully it's not too sweet. I told them double milk and half sugar, so..."

"I'm sure it'll be great," she says with a tight smile, surely remembering our little tea dates nearly every morning. I've been able to think of nothing else since I picked these up on the way here.

"Okay, now that we're all properly energized, let's get down to business," Leigh says, motioning to the empty seat on the side of the small square table between her and Jade.

"Sounds good," I say, quickly taking my seat.

The session isn't too awkward, even though it is a little painful, and we get a fair amount of work done.

Leigh leaves first, then Jesy, and Jade and I wait for our cars to arrive.

"Did you give Lindsey a call?" Jade asks once we're alone.

"Yeah. I went to see her on Friday," I say with a nod.

"Good," Jade says. "I-"

She's cut off by the sound of my phone ringing.

At first I think it's just the driver letting me know that my car has arrived, but then I notice that the number is American.

"Jade, I-"

"My car's here anyway. I'm proud of you for going to see Lindsey so quickly. Later, Pezza," she says, giving me a quick hug and rushing out of the door.

I debate for a moment whether to pick up the phone or just let voicemail get it, but ultimately my curiosity gets the best of me.


"Ah, hey, Perrie. It's Chris. Uh, Christian. McCafrey. Do you have time to talk?"

"Hey, Christian," I say, surprised but not upset. "I'm actually just on my way out of the studio at the moment. But I can talk now, if you like."

Nothing Else Matters (A Pesy Story- Sequel to "Only You")Where stories live. Discover now