can't let nobody's words be the why we ain't speaking

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A/N: Head's up! This is the second book in a series. If you haven't already, please check out (no one else can fix me) Only You, and then come back!! 

If you've already read Only You, then thanks for sticking with me!! 




"So here's your chance to explain the truth," I watch the interviewer say on my little phone screen, hear her thick New Zealand accent in my bulky headphones. There's a little delay, so I pause and unpause, hoping that'll fix the problem. It does.

If only all my problems were that easy to fix.

The first couple true and false questions pass easily, and while Jade and Jesy are clearly very tired, they seem to be having a nice time. Jade's all too happy to talk about her hilarious instagram post, and Jesy's clearly content to just listen, even though Jade's talked about nothing else for the last few days.

Once Jade's finished, the interviewer moves on to the next true/false headline.

"Little Mix's Jesy and Perrie get together all the time when they're drunk."

From the moment our names are mentioned together, you can see the way Jesy's face falls. Just the tiniest bit, but you can tell. Or at least, I can. Maybe it won't be evident to someone who hasn't spent hours pining after Jesy and her gorgeous face, but I can tell. I know Jade can tell as well, even though she's purposefully avoiding Jesy's gaze. It's almost as if you can see the energy shift in the room, like all the air has been sucked out. Jade looks like she wants to speak, but what can she say without seeming suspicious? This question doesn't have anything to do with her, after all.

Jesy recovers from the surprising query quickly, almost too quickly.

She clicks her tongue. "No, that's a lie," she says, the word lie sounding funny as it rolls off her tongue. "We've-We've had a kiss once," she says, staring off in a way that makes it seem like she's waiting for words to materialize in the air in front of her. "And..." she trails off, and even though I'm the one who's done this to her, I'm the cause of her pain, I ache for her. I want so badly to wipe the confused look from her face, want to replace it with one of her radiant smiles. She's absolutely gorgeous- striking, even- but she looks proper goofy when she really smiles, and there's nothing I'd rather see than a big, toothy grin stretched across her face.

Instead, when I look at her, all I can see is the mess I've made.

"All friends do stuff like that," Jade says when Jesy loses her words, trying to play it off.

I become irrationally angry with Jade, especially considering she's doing exactly what I've asked her to.

After the shitshow that was our second night on James Corden, management had a cow and flew us back to England immediately for a label meeting. They demanded to know what exactly was going on, and what we were trying to do, and blah blah blah. It was decided then that we'd go back to treating the situation like we did before, pretending nothing's really happened. Well, nothing of substance, anyway.

I remember just about every moment of that meeting, every awful thing we discussed, even though I'd like nothing more than to forget it. I'd like nothing more than to forget the last few weeks, go back to how Jesy and I were before I messed everything up.

But instead I'm here, pining after her and watching videos of her like a creeper as we sit on either side of Leigh and Jade on the plane.

A look up at Jesy shows she's passed out, clearly exhausted. They had to bring someone in to give her IV fluids twice this trip, and I know they've given her something to help her sleep on the flight home.

Nothing Else Matters (A Pesy Story- Sequel to "Only You")Where stories live. Discover now