Thor X Reader: Cuddling on a Rainy Day (One-Shot!)

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Thor X Reader: Cuddling on a Rainy Day (One-Shot!)

London, England

You were sitting in Jane’s apartment sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around you, you had a horrible cold and Thor who happened to be your best friend, wouldn’t let you go anywhere. Thor walked up to you with a bowl of homemade chicken and noodle soup.

You sniffled and watched the rain hit the window pane, you turned your head looking at Thor taking the bowl from him, you slowly sipped at your soup.

“Feeling any better?” Thor asked looking at you concerned.

“It’s just a cold Thor, I’m fine…” You muttered softly coughing a bit, you sniffled and rubbed your nose that had a bit of an itch that wouldn’t go away.

“Keep eating that soup” Thor said.

You nodded sighing and continued watching the rain fall listening closely to the sound of the rain falling.

Thor walked into the kitchen and put some Pop-Tarts into the toaster oven, Thor turned around and leaned against the counter looking at you curiously.

You put your soup down on the wooden coffee table in front of you, “Do you know when Jane, Darcy and Dr. Selvig are coming back?” You asked.

“Dr. Selvig said they would be back tomorrow evening… They are going camping…” Thor said.

“Why didn’t you go with them? Jane and Darcy really wanted you to go with them… Jane loves hearing your stories about Asgard” You muttered softly.

“I insisted that I take care of you” Thor said hearing the toaster oven ding! Thor turned around and took his Pop-Tarts putting them onto a plate.

“I could have easily taken care of myself Thor, though I do very much enjoy your company” You smiled slightly.

Thor walked over to you, a big grin on his face; he sat down beside you, “Don’t worry… You’ll be better in no time and you can go camping next time… But you’ll only get better by eating your soup that I made you” Thor said handing the bowl to you.

You sighed and didn’t touch your soup, all you did was stare out the window and sniffle every once in a while.

“Please eat” Thor begged.

“I’m not hungry…” You muttered softly.

“Why do you look so sad?” Thor asked, “You’ve been like that for a while now? What’s wrong? You can tell me anything _________” Thor biting into one of his Pop-Tarts.

“You wouldn’t understand…” You muttered softly.

“Tell me” Thor begged.

“I’ve been depressed for a while now…” You mumbled.

“Depressed? Why?” Thor asked.

“It’s nothing… You wouldn’t understand…” You sighed sadly.

“Please tell me…” He begged, “You can tell me anything… You’re my best friend” Thor said putting his plate down looking at you worried.

“I’m in love with you and it’s not fair that Jane gets you instead of me” You looked down sadly.

Thor almost choked on his Pop-Tarts, “Your in love with me?” Thor looked at you utterly shocked, “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Thor asked.

“Save it… You’re in love with Jane, there’s no hope of me and you ever being together…” You tried your best to hold back your tears.

“Why would you think that?” Thor asked.

“You and Jane are together are you not?” You asked getting up walking into your room, you coughed and sniffled dragging your blanket along with you sitting on your window cell seat.

Thor followed you into your room, “Darcy has told me that Jane has been going on dates with other men… Clearly she is not interested in me anymore” Thor sighed and sat down on the window cell seat in front of you.

You coughed again into fold of your elbow.

Thor gently pulled you into his lap wrapping his arms around you holding you close.

You cuddled up to Thor, “You wouldn’t like me…” You mumbled gently resting your head on Thor’s chest, you yawned slightly.

“Why wouldn’t I like you?” Thor looked down at you and kissed your head gently stroking your hair, “I’ve liked you more than a friend for a rather long time” Thor said.

“Don’t lie to me” You looked up at Thor.

“I’m not lying” Thor sighed.

“Yes you are!” You shouted coughing into Thor’s chest, “Sorry…” You mumbled wiping your nose, “Let’s just forget about it…” You sighed.

“No… I want to talk about it” Thor said.

“I don’t want too okay…” A few tears managed to stream down your cheek.

Thor gently wiped your tears, “Please don’t cry…” Thor begged.

“I have every right to cry…” You pouted looking deeply into Thor’s bright blue eyes; you were silent and just stared at Thor.

Thor leaned in but paused a moment, he grinned, then gently but passionately pressed his lips against yours.

You smiled as your cheeks turned a bright tinge of pink, “You’re going to get sick now…” You looked at Thor worried.

“Trust me… It’s worth it…” Thor whispered to you kissing you again.

“Thor…” You mumbled nervously into the kiss, you wrapped your arms around Thor’s neck slowly kissing back, “Thor…” You mumbled into the kiss smiling. Thor chuckled gently wrapping his hand around the back of your neck kissing you harder and more passionate.

The next day

Jane, Darcy and Dr. Selvig had arrived back home from camping. Thor had gotten sick but he didn’t mind at all, you in fact were almost better and was now taking care of Thor. Jane raised an eyebrow at you as you brought some soup over to Thor.

“So how exactly did you catch a cold?” Jane asked crossing her arms; she sent a slight glare at you then looked at Thor.

“I gave _________ a hug…” Thor explained, “It’s okay, I’ll be better before you know it” Thor gave Jane a handsome grin.

Jane nodded and walked into her room.

You teasingly nudged Thor and kissed his cheek, “Eat your soup Mr.” You smiled.

Darcy let out a small laugh as Dr. Selvig just kind of stood there and chuckled a bit going back to his predictions that he had wrote on a chalk board.

“What?” You asked looking at Darcy curiously as you hugged Thor’s arm.

Thor coughed a bit; he picked up a tissue from the tissue box beside him and used it to wipe his nose, “You don’t have to take care of me you know” Thor muttered softly.

“I insist on taking care of you” You said kissing his cheek.

Thor chuckled and kissed you passionately, “Oh no… I might make you sick again” Thor looked at you worried, “Don’t worry, it’s worth it…” You smiled kissing Thor wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggled and cuddled up to Thor.

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