Starlord X Reader: Pelvic Sorcerer (One-Shot!)

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Starlord X Reader: Pelvic Sorcerer (One-Shot!)

Starship Rora

Peter Quill quickly ran onto his ship and flew off trying his best to escape from the authorities, once he escaped, you opened up a hatch. Peter looked at you and smiled innocently, your hair was all messy, you sent a slight glare at Peter.

"Peter? What the hell happened?" You asked feeling extremely dizzy.

"To be honest... I forgot you were here... I guess it was in the heat of the moment" Peter chuckled.

"Peter!" You closed the hatch looking at Peter who put the ship on auto pilot.

He walked up to you, "I'm sorry" Peter mumbled kissing your cheek.

You quickly pushed Peter away, "Don't you dare! You... You! Pelvic Sorcerer!" You took a step back, "Yondu was right, you are quite the idiot" You rolled your eyes.

"Well I'm certainly an adorable idiot" Peter chuckled.

"Oh shut it Quill" You rolled your eyes, "Now... Did you get the orb?" You asked looking at Peter slightly worried.

Peter looked at you worried, "Um... Well" Peter smiled innocently.

"Peter!" You smacked the back of his head.

"Hey! Hey! I got it okay!" Peter pulled the orb out of his bag and handed it to you, "Now... All we have to do is go Xander and give it to the buyer" You said sternly.

"Yeah and you are going to stay on the ship" Peter took the orb from you.

"Hey! I'm the one who told you the coordinates of Morag! I'm the one who told you how to take down the force field!" You crossed your arms.

Peter pinched your cheek, "You're so cute when you're angry" Peter grinned.

"Oh shut it Quill!" You pulled away and grabbed his walk man and put on his headphones and walked off listening to music.

"Hey... What did I tell you about talking that?" He huffed.

You turned around and stuck out your tongue at him, you then smiled and danced a bit to the music, you sat down in the passenger seat of Peter's ship. Peter sat down in the driver's seat and drove toward Xander


You persuaded Peter to let you come with him; he finally decided to let you come with him. You followed Peter toward the buyer's shop; Peter slowly walked behind you and looked at you up and down smirking. You stopped and turned around growling at him, you smacked him in the back of the head.

"I will not give in to your Sorcery Quill, now go!" You growled at him giving him an angry glare, you watched Peter pout and walk into the buyers shop.

Peter walked up to the buyer, "I have an object for you" Peter grinned, "Sorry it took me so long, some guys said it had to do something with a guy named Ronan.

The buyer looked at Peter shocked, "No! I do not want it! Get out of my shop!" The buyer looked horrified and pushed you and Peter out of his shop closing the doors and changing the open sign to closed.

You looked at Peter, "What did you say to him?" You asked.

"He freaked out when I mentioned Ronan" Peter said.

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