Part 20

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He smirked and left the Great Hall.

3rd Person POV

"Fucking asshole," Draco grumbled. "I should have hexed him way more last night." He huffed angrily. He took Harry's wrist and walked to him over their now-shocked friends and ignored the whispering of the other students in the Great Hall. When they reached their seats, Pansy and Hermione chuckled, but soon stopped when Draco shot them a death glare.

"Bloody hell was that?" Ron exclaimed.

Pansy smirked knowingly while Blaise raised his eyebrows in a confused and questioning manner.

"I take it McLaggen's wounds were the reason you showed up late last night, Draco?" Hermione asked, snickering.

Draco huffed and snapped, "shut up!"

"Oh..." Harry muttered, suddenly realising what must have happened last night. He looked at Draco, who was still fuming, and rubbed his arm gently trying to sooth his boyfriend. Draco glanced at him and Harry smiled. Then Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled the smaller boy close to him and tightened his grip.

"You are mine, Harry Potter," Draco growled.

A blush crept up Harry's cheeks, but then he chuckled and placed his hand gently on Draco's thigh. "Yes Draco, I'm yours," he said, thinking to himself, Such a possessive blonde I have here. Then he laughed watching their friends. Ron and Blaise were still confused about what exactly had happened and were shooting Draco heaps of questions; while Hermione and Pansy grinned wickedly at the four of them and teased (Draco just sneered back at them).

The real hidden plan of the truce was a huge success, Harry thought, before joining the conversation and proceeding to have the best Christmas of his lifetime.

And, done! Thank you so much to those who have read, if you enjoyed, please go to DanielleMalfoy394's channel to vote, and thank you so much to them for letting me do this :)

The Hidden Plan Of The Truce; A Drarry StoryWhere stories live. Discover now