Part 4

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Previously - "I'll let you cast Imperius on me just this once, Pansy," Draco snarled before getting up and exiting the Great Hall.

Harry's POV

"Harry," called Cormac McLaggen. I turned my head to look for who had called my name. 

"Cormac," I said, looking at him panting in front of me.

"We're going to have Quidditch practise at dinner, McLaggen," Ron said, shrugging sarcastically. I saw Hermione and Cormac both glare at him at the same time, and Hermione elbowed him in the arm.

"Can I talk to you for a moment, Harry?" Cormac said, before glancing at Ron and Hermione. "Privately?"

I looked at him with confusion in my eyes before looking back at Hermione who just nodded, dragging Ron into the Great Hall. After they had disappeared I turned back to Cormac. "So what is it?" I said.

Cormac fidgeted and looked between the floor to me and back again. "Can we talk in a more private place,  please?" he pleaded.

I scratched my head and nodded before following after Cormac. We stopped in a deserted hallway. Does Hogwarts really have a deserted hallway like this? I've never seen this hallway before. I thought to myself, scanning the hallway.

"Harry," Cormac started.

"Hey Cormac," I interrupted, "how did you find this hallway? I've never seen it before." I wasn't bothering to focus on him as my eyes were still scanning the hallway. When the moonlight shone its rays lit up the hallway, and the snow was whiter outside than it used to be. "It's really beautiful and peaceful here," I mumbled more to myself than to Cormac.

"Harry!" Cormac drew my attention back, grabbing my arms. I looked at him and felt my eyes widen as I felt his hot breath on my face. He was just a few inches from me, and his emerald eyes were staring piercingly into mine. I felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment and I pushed him away from me gently.

"I'm sorry, this place is just really stunning, I can't keep my eyes off of it," I said, clearing my throat before averting my eyes back to Cormac.

"It's okay. I heard about this place from my friends," Cormac replied, before silence settled around us. Cormac broke it by saying, "Harry, are you involved with anyone?" It sounded like he was trying not to sound nervous.

"Err, no, why?" I asked. Where in the world is this conversation going I thought.

Cormac stared at the floor as though he was thinking, before he looked back up at me, took a deep breath, and took hold of my arms again. "Harry Potter," he said, tightening his grip, "would you like to be my lover?"

"Do you fancy me, Cormac?" I said, shocked.

He gave me a isn't-it-obvious look and slowly nodded. "Yes Harry. I fancy you," he confirmed. "It's been quite since these feelings for you started."

"And how long, may I ask?" I said, giving a little shriek as his firm grip on my arms tightened again. Cormac looked up as thtough thinking. "Err...three months ago, I guess," he replied.

It's only been three months?! You said it's been quite a while! I thought, annoyed. Out loud I said, "Cormac, could you let go of my arms please? It kind of hurts a little." I made sure to say it with a smile so he wouldn't be offended by my words, and he smiled back and nodded, softening his grip and then letting go of my arms.

"Thank you, Cormac, for your feelings towards me. Really, I appreciate it," I said, and smiled again. "But I'm truly sorry, I can't return your feelings because I already fancy someone else. I'm sure you will find someone out there for you, someone who does return your feelings, because you are a handsome guy."

I could clearly see the hurt in his eyes, so I held his arm gently and smiled tenderly at him. He looked into my eyes briefly before staring at the floor again.

"Cormac?" I said again, mostly to break the eerie silence that had settled between us. He still didn't answer, then suddenly his left hand was gripping my wrist firmly and his right was holding my other arm, and he was glaring at me furiously. When he spoke, his voice was murderous. "I don't take 'no' for an answer, Harry," he said.

He pushed me roughly against the wall behind me and I winced in pain as my back and head met the hard wall. "Bloody hell, Cormac!" I yelled half in pain and half in anger.

I tried pulling my arms from his grip, but it was to no avail - he was far stronger than me. I opened my mouth to say something but it was shut roughly by his lips. Not a millisecond after that he had shoved his tongue into my mouth to explore it. His other hand was snaking inside my shirt and he held my wrist before lingering around playing with my nipple. I let out a moan when he pinched my nipple.

His hands then moved out from under my shirt and towards my crotch. He grabbed it hard, making me wince in pain. His hand was fiddling with the zipper on my trousers when I managed to kick him in the stomach with all my might, making him fall backwards and groan in pain. My cheeks were flushed red and I was panting hard. Bearing the pain that stung in my left wrist, I ran away from that hallway. After making sure Cormac was not following me, I stopped, put my hands on my knees (I was exhausted from running away you see) and fixed my messy shirt.

That git! I'm going to hex him if he ever tries to touch me again! I thought, huffing angrily, still trying to fix my messy hair and shirt. I headed off to the Great Hall, and as I turned a corner, I bumped into someone hard and fell to the floor. 

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