Part 10

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Previously - "You think I'm a goddamn kid, Potter?" Draco snapped angrily. He let go of my arm when I winced in pain, then he sighed.

Harry's POV

"Hmm, let's see," said Draco, "the Weasel said something about the watch at breakfast but Granger shut him up. Then just now you almost blurted something out about it, so the person must be a Gryffindor. Hmm, let me see, who from Gryffindor stayed for Christmas...?"

I fidgeted uncomfortably. "Like you would know who stays for Christmas," I said.

A smirk grew on Draco's lips. "Why are you fidgeting, Potter? Am I right about that person being in Gryffindor?"

"You-You're wrong," I answered quickly. Dammit, I stuttered again.

"Then, care to tell me why you're fidgeting and stuttering?" Draco said, his small smile turning into a smirk as he watched me shake my head. He moved closer to me and put his lips near my ear, so close I could feel his breath tickling my neck.

"Now, now," he whispered, purred even, "be a good kid and tell me who it is, okay, Potter?"
His lips touched my ear as he spoke, and my face burned from embarrassment. I shook my head again, my palms sweaty and my heart racing as though it was going to burst out of my chest.

"If you don't tell me, I don't know what will happen to you," Draco purred. He nibbled my earlobe and I moaned a little.

"Still not telling me, Harry?" Draco said.

"Alright fine I'll tell you! Just please move away!" I almost pleaded, pushing him away.
He chuckled evilly and moved a mere few inches back. "So? Who was it?"

I looked at him, thinking. Should I just tell him? Hey Malfoy, guess what, I'm the one who gave you that watch. Glad you like it. God, he'd kill me, or maybe throw the watch at me. It was bloody expensive!
Well, he did say he was going to thank the sender, right, no matter who it was? But -

"-tter? Potter!" Draco was shaking me gently.
"Sorry," I mumbled.

"So, are you going to tell me or not?" he asked. He smirked. "Or do you want me to do that again?"

Be a man, Harry, I told myself, and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Wha-what if I said it was me who gave that watch to you?" I said nervously, staring intently at the fire.

"It was you?" said Draco, shocked.

I sighed. "I knew it. You must be disgusted with me, right? Well-"

"Huh? I never -" Draco started, but I continued, cutting him off.

"- you might throw the watch, but you said you were going to thank the sender, right? Well, I'm telling you it was me. You might think I'm joking, but hey, I'm not. I bought it with Ron, and it was bloody expensive. You're rich, so it'll be easy to buy a new one-" I was cut off when soft lips touched mine, and my eyes widened. He kissed me! Draco Malfoy kissed me on the lips!

Once I had reassured myself that I wasn't dreaming, I closed my eyes and slowly began to kiss back, but Draco pulled back after a second.

"You talk too much, scarhead," Draco muttered under his breath, wearing his signature smirk.

So sorry for any mistakes! Other than that hope you enjoy this part 😀

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