Part 5

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Previously - That git! I'm going to hex him if he ever tries to touch me again! I thought, huffing angrily, still trying to fix my messy hair and shirt. I headed off to the Great Hall, and as I turned a corner, I bumped into someone hard and fell to the floor.

Harry's POV

First I was being harassed and now my ass hurts like hell. Can't get any better, huh? I growled at my thoughts, and rubbed my bum.

"Don't you have eyes, Potter?" said the person I had bumped into.

My eyes widened and my heart sped up at the sound of that voice. That angelic voice! I looked up and saw Draco looking down at me with a glare. He hadn't even budged from when I bumped into him, and I could feel my cheeks turning red again. 

"Now you're a mute," Draco continued sarcastically.

 I rolled my eyes and stood up. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?" I asked, rubbing my jeans to remove the dirt.

"The school is not your property. Whatever I'm doing is none of your business, right?" he snarled in reply, crossing his arms on his chest. 

"Why do you always have to be such a damn git, Malfoy?" I growled angrily, brushing my still-messy hair out of my eyes. Why do I have a crush on a git like him? I asked myself with a sigh.

I could tell he was about to make some sharp comeback, but suddenly his storm grey eyes narrowed and he took a couple of steps closer to me. "Why are your wrists swollen, Potter?" he asked me.

"Swollen? You must be mistaken!" I muttered nervously and shook my sleeves down so they covered my wrists. Draco marched forward until he was invading my personal space. I could even smell his cologne. Woodland fresh air was the first thought that came to mind when I smelt it. He then grabbed my arms and yanked, pulling my sleeves up carefully so he wouldn't cause me more pain. He examined my wrist and I stared at the floor. When did the dirty floor become so interesting I mused.

"Who did this to you?" Draco growled, his voice so murderous he sounded positively dangerous. It both scared me and turned me on. I stared at him and was about to tell him some excuse when I saw that his eyes were full of anger. I shut my mouth again and looked down, even I didn't dare mess with an angry Malfoy. When there was no answer to his question, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look into his eyes.

"Who. The. Fuck. Did. This. To. You?" Draco repeated, in the same tone of voice but slightly louder. I tried to move my face from his grip, but he was too strong. "Dammit Harry!" he yelled when I still didn't answer. "You better tell me who did this before I get Veritaserum!" 

I blinked at him, just registering that he had used my first name. I decided not to mention it, since he was still glaring at me and trying to calm his anger. "Jeez, it's not that bad. They were swollen blueish before," I mumbled, before soon realising I had said the wrong thing. Draco's eyes narrowed more and I could feel him tensing. "Fine, it was McLaggen!" I continued before he could explode again. "He confessed to me but I refused, and he didn't take it well. He tried to rape me and gripped my wrists when I tried to leave." By the time I finished I could feel my cheeks burning red.

Draco let go of me quickly and stormed off in the direction I had come from. I watched him disappear from view, thinking What the hell was that? He must be disgusted with me. I sighed and shook my head.

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