Part 7

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Previously - When we reached the Room, we all fell to the ground, laughing out asses off

Harry's POV

"OMG, 'Sluggy'?" choked Ron, still roaring with laughter and wiping his tears off.

"You were really good, honey," said Blaise between bursts if laughter, clutching his side.

"What happened here?" Said a voice from behind me, and all of us turned to look at its source. When I saw who it was my heart thumped rapidly and I was sure my cheeks had gone faintly pink.

"You should have come earlier, Drake," said Blaise, still laughing. "This game is bloody hilarious!"

"I had matters to deal with," replied Draco, sitting down next to me as we reformed the circle. When the circle was complete again, Pansy looked round at us all. She locked eyes with me and smirked, and I gulped.

"So Harry, honey, truth or dare?" she said softly, sweetly, and I deliberated for a moment. If I chose truth, she would ask me something embarrassing; if I chose dare she would make me do something embarassing, so either way I was in the same boat.

"Um, truth?" I said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement, because I hadn't fully made up my mind. Hermione, sitting next to me, handed me the Veriteseram.

"Have you ever had sexual dreams or thoughts about men?" asked Pansy.

This time I felt my face burn red, and my heart was beating as though I had just sprinted up all the Hogwarts' staircases at once. I balled my fists nervously, and stuttered out, "y-yeah." I looked down, avoiding looking at any of them, especially Draco.

I heard Blaise chuckle and Draco clear his throat, but nothing else, until Hermione put her hand gently on my arm and said, "It's your turn, Harry."

I looked up, still slightly red, and smiled gratefully at her. "Ok then, Hermione, truth or dare?" I asked.

She shot me a death glare, huffed angrily, and answered, "dare."

I thought for a while. I looked at Pansy, then back at Hermione with a wide grin. "I liked what Pansy did with 'Sluggy'," I said, "so I dare you to go to him and tell him that you had a dirty dream about him - and make it good, with details." I chuckled as Ron and Hermione both gasped.

"A dare is a dare, mate," said Blaise, smiling wickedly.

Hermione glared at Blaise, then Ron gulped with fear as she stood up. Once again we all followed Hermione to Slughorn's office and hid around the same corner.

Hermione walked forward and knocked on the door, shaking slightly. When the door opened for the second time that night and Slughorn stood before her, Hermione stood up straighter and said, with the confidence of a lioness, "Professor, I had a dream about you last night."
She took a step closer and continued with a voice full of lust, "you were under me and I was screaming with every move we made together."

By this time I could see Professor Slughorn's face turn ruby red.

"We went all night," continued Hermione, "and when we were done we collapsed into each other and fell asleep naked in each other's arms under the full moon. I woke up with thoughts of you, Professor, I just thought I'd let you know." She finished by licking her lips seductively, before turning and walking back to us.

Before Slughorn shut the door, we all heard him murmuring, "I'm going to put those two in detention!"

When we reached the Room, Hermione sat down slowly and deliberately, crossing her arms over her chest. She huffed angrily. "You're going to pay for that, Harry!" she muttered.

I just stood there and looked at her with a big grin, and laughter broke out again. After a few moments, Hermione glared at us and we settled back down in the circle.

"This is boring," said Draco, starting to rise. "I'm going back to my room."

But before he could stand up completely, Pansy shot him a death glare. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you sit your arse down right now!" She said in a dangerous voice, and Draco raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and sat back down. He must be either too scared to fight back or can't be bothered I thought.

"Since you said this game was boring, Mal-Draco, truth or dare," said Hermione, smiling.

Draco didn't think twice. "Just give me a dare," he answered.

I noticed Pansy and Hermione share a glance before Hermione said, smirking, "well, how about you take Harry to the Forbidden Forest and stay there until one of you surrenders and admits they are too scared to stay there and more." She smiled wickedly. "Will you?" she pressed, as Draco hesitated.

"Bloody hell, 'Mione, why me?!" I protested, pale and shocked.

She looked at me and grinned. "Like I said, you are going to pay for what you made me do, Harry," she answered.

Draco laughed a little and stood up, grabbing my arm. "Let's go, Potter, we don't want to argue with these maniac girls." He indicated Pansy and Hermione with a glare.

I nodded and we headed out of the Room and to the Forest in an eerie silence. Neither if us even started to say anything.

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