Chapter 5

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At Naruto's home

A week later. In the past few days Naruto and Boruto spent a lot of time together. They would be together 24/7 either they were training together, eat ramen or just hang out. Well that's what Boruto needed to do, watch over his father. All the memories he made with his father so far became really special to him. But he couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke. He promised to come by once in a while, but it's been a week since they last talked. That made Boruto really worried. He is now much more careful than ever. He has a very bad feeling, that he can't explain, that something might be wrong. His thoughts were running inside his head. „Is Sasuke-san ok? What if he can't do it alone? When are we able to go back home? What are tou-chan(dad) and ka-chan(mom) doing right now? What if something happened to Sasuke-san and I can't protect tou-chan(dad) anymore! What if we go back to the future and we changed it?" All these thoughts were eating him up from inside.

Oi! Is everything alright?-Naruto

Naruto startled Boruto for a second, he didn't know his father had come into the room.

H-huh? Oh yeah, I'm alright.-said Boruto not very believable

Are you sure? You seem pretty down lately? Is something going on?-Naruto

*sigh* Well, I guess you could say I miss my family and friends...a lot.-Boruto

So you miss your family, huh?-Naruto

Yeah, ka-chan(mom)and my little sister are waiting for me and of course I also miss tou-chan(dad).-Boruto

Just go home-dattebayo! I can accompany you if you want.-Naruto

I wish I could, but that's easier said than done! I live very very far away-dattebasa!-Boruto

Then why didn't they come along in the first place?-Naruto

Well you see, it's kinda complicated.-Boruto

Well. let's go to the village then, to cheer you up and buy a souvenir for them when you get back home. They surely will be happy-ttebayo! -Naruto

Sure, why not-ttebasa.-Boruto

In the village

So, when are you gonna go back home anyways?-Naruto

I don't know either. Sas-*crap* I mean, when my dad finishes his mission, then we can go back home.-Boruto

Oh I see. It must be nice having a family that is waiting for you at home. I always lived alone-ttebayo. I don't even know who my parents are, I just know that they died when I was born. When I was little, I had no one. The people didn't like me, they say it's because I have a monster inside of me. It made feel really lonely. But now I have great friends who I can rely on!-Naruto

Boruto felt very sorry for his father. He didn't know his father had to go thru all that. It truly broke his heart hearing him saying that. Boruto thinks all the things he said or did to him that may have hurt him or made him angry. He would often calls his father "stupid" or "old man" or "useless", deep inside he knows he doesn't really mean it. He would always make stupid pranks on his father that makes him very angry, like painting on his face to just get his attention. What's really stupid him, because he clearly knows that his father doesn't have time for his pranks, he is already busy enough with all of his work being Hokage. But Boruto didn't acknowledge that. What's worse is that once Boruto got really angry at his father and flashed at him with very hurtful words "Why do you have to be the Hokage! You never have time for us anymore, are we even still important to you? I wish I had a different father!" That actually happened very recently. Boruto never meant to say those hurtful things to his father, he couldn't control his emotions and those words just came out of hims mouth. Afterwards he felt really guilty and wanted to apologise to him, but he never did. His pride kept him from doing that. Boruto really regrets everything that he has done this father. He actually is very proud of his father and he loves him from the bottom of his heart, he just never admitted it. Boruto just wanted to go back home. Go to his father, hug him and tell him that he is truly sorry for his behaviour. Boruto wanted to burst into tears but he tried his best to keep it inside.

You said you wanted to be Hokage right? Don't let anyone get in your way. I believe that one day you will be a great Hokage. Never give up, because I believe in you, actually a lot of people believe in you-dattebasa!-said Boruto cheerfully, still trying to not tear up

Thank you I really appreciate it!-said Naruto with a big smile on his face

And one day you will have a family of your own! And you would definitely make a great dad-dattebasa!-Boruto

All those things that that Boruto just told, made Naruto really happy.
Suddenly Boruto spotted a big hawk in a corner. It was holding letter.

*Wait? Could that be from Sasuke-san?*-Boruto

Without hesitation Boruto ran to that hawk as fast as he could. Naruto was very confused and just followed him. Boruto took the letter that the hawk was holding. "follow my hawk,I need you, it's really important from Sasuke"

Boruto gasped-*Oh no is Sasuke-san alright?Quick I need to help him!*

Hey, what's wrong? What does the letter say?-Naruto

No time to explain, someone desperately need my help! Stay here I won't take long.-Boruto

No way, I am going with you. Wether you like it or not. If that someone is your friend then he is also my friend-dattebayo!-Naruto

Boruto didn't had time to argue with his father and just nodded. The hawk started to fly away and the two boys followed it. They went really far away from the village. Boruto started to get a bit worried, but just continued to follow the hawk. After a few minutes of running the hawk stopped and sat on a tree. They are now very deep into the forest. But it was strange. Boruto couldn't see Sasuke. The aura was also very mysterious and dark. That made Boruto even more suspicious. Then Boruto realised...

Oh no! This is bad! We need to go back immediately!-said Boruto nervously

What,why? What about your friend? He needs your help right? We can't just leave him here-ttebayo!-Naruto

Boruto took a deep breath-No, I think we've been tricked.....


Hope you liked todays chapter! If you liked it please rate and comment! Next chapter will be uploaded soon. See you guys next time, bye!

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