c h a p t e r F O U R T E E N

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     The sudden shifting in the bed woke me up. I was faced towards the clock again with Mark behind me. I wanted to turn around and ask him what's the sudden urgency when I felt it. I couldn't stop the chuckle that left me and I heard him curse under his breath. "I'm sorry," his deep morning voice caused my stomach to tingle with butterflies.

     "Go shower. I'll bring you a towel." I ordered as I sat up and watched him jog out the room, not facing me once. Laughter bubbled up my throat again at the idea of embarrassment he must've been feeling. The deep red tint of his ears proved he must've felt like dying.

     The sound of water travelling through the creaky plumbing echoed in the wall and I decided to get up and make coffee. There's something odd about making someone else a cup of coffee, like it's stressful figuring out how many sugars to coffee's they have or how much milk they like or what they prefer to or not to have.

     As I waited for the kettle to finish boiling, I got a towel out of the cupboard and headed to the small bathroom in my dorm — everything was relatively small in this living space to be honest.

     I knocked on the door, my stomach strained in anxiousness, but he hadn't heard me so I cracked the door open slightly and announced my presence. Without looking at the shower I went to go place the drying material on the sink.

     The temptation overthrew my logic as I turned around and walked towards the door, I creepily glanced at his back as he stretched to wash his hair. Those biceps were yummy.

     I scolded myself as soon as I got out the room, reminding myself that a) he was not mine to perv on, and b) I should have more self-respect. My mind aimlessly tried to distract itself as I poured the hot water into the two mugs but it magnetised back to the unholy sight of how the water spewing out the showerhead trailed over the crevices of muscle on his back. Thankfully my eyes hadn't dared to have wondered further otherwise I'd be carrying that guilt on my conscious every time I saw Mark.

     With circular wrist movements I stirred the hot beverages and placed them on the table that usually accommodated my study material but lately I've been studying at the restaurant that Sumi works at durning the week after classes.

     Mere mintues passed before Mark walked in, pulling his shirt down his torso as he did so and I immediately turned away. It's not my place to be ogling over him, despite feeling the contrary when I went to give him a towel. I've done enough sinning for today, I mentally muttered.

     "I feel really bad about this morning," he mentioned, rubbing the nape of his neck. "It's not the best way to wake up."

I chuckled at him, taking a sip of my coffee and crossing my legs. "It's not like you conjured for it to happen, it's totally chill." I eased him, but from his rosy ears I could tell it didn't help the slightest bit. "I mean, you did say I made you feel a lot of things," I laughed and his face dropped in horror. This caused me to laugh even harder. "I'm kidding," I wheezed.

     His facial reaction was something worth making a meme about.

[ Hey :) please make that white star orange and comment down below on your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Here's a lil somethin' for my thirsty Mark thots bahahaha I really wanted to lighten the mood bc this story is otherwise really depro and mellow :*

What would you have done in Choi's shoes? ;) ]

🕊 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂  𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂 🕊 M.T ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat