c h a p t e r F I V E

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     I insisted that Kyoto came and got me as soon as this Jackson boy tried to casually flirt with me and Mark just blushing and telling him off. This is one big weird setup, I thought as I pulled on my shoes and hurried to the elevator. I didn't even thank Mark for looking after me, I felt too embarrassed to even acknowledge last night.

Me | 9.03 am
Please come get me.

     I texted Kyoto the name of the hotel and sent her a photo of the place just to make sure she could come and get me. I knew Mark followed me out as I left without a goodbye or anything, I just wanted to get home and think about all of this. As if sensing my urgency to get away, Mark jogged out of the building. "Hey! You forgot your purse!" The black wallet was in his one hand and he gave it to me.

     Again, we just stood there staring at each other with wide eyes and nothing to say. His small frame stood higher than me by a head but instead of this intimidating me, I felt comfortable like he was shielding me from the busy streets and buzzing people. "What is your name?" He finally spoke and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly looked at the message Kyoto sent me, saying that she was here in a taxi. My eyes immediately looked for her frantically and I caught the car nearing down the street.

     The relief that filled my chest was overwhelming and I started walking towards the car, aware that Mark was still following me. It pulled over and I reached for the doorhandle, pulling it to open the door. I was about to climb in when Mark shouted, "Wait!"

     I looked at him, his eyes wide in confusion, and I gave him a nervous grin. "It's Choi. My name is Choi." I gave him one last glance before I shut the door and the driver sped off. "What the hell was that? Where were you? Who was that? What happened? W-" Just when I thought I'd have room for my thoughts Kyoto started interrogating me with her eyes fixed on me intensely.

     "I don't know. All I remember was one minute I was dancing with some dude, and then the next I was being dragged out the club and through the streets."

     "Do you know how careless that was! I could've lost you and you'd never be found!" She was upset, I could tell, and as much as I was getting angry by her obvious comments I had to accept that she was just worried sick. I would've been too if my friend just dissapeared in a place full of predators.

     The whole ride was just Kyoto lecturing me about being more responsible and exaggerating on what could've happened but I felt at ease knowing that I was safe and sound now.

     With Kyoto now sulking with her back to me I could finally try and wrap my head around everything but the taxi stopped outside the university and I sighed when the only thing I got to understanding was that Mark, the boy with dyed hair, looked after me that night.

[ Hey :) please make that white star orange and comment down below on your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 I can't believe we're on Chapter 5 already! Yayyy


🕊 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂  𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂 🕊 M.T ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora