Chapter 24

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@AmbitiousTony: Ali Cat, we need to talk. (8:11)

"No no, Alicia is crazy. If I tell her that we're done after I just fucked the living daylights out of her, she's gonna kill my ass. So....Im just gonna stop talking to her....she can't find shit out if I cut off communication right? Besides, bitch don't have my number anyways." Bahja thought as she laid on her bed, thinking.

@FleekAhhAlicia: About what babe. Oh btw, again, you were awesome. ;) (8:45)

 @FleekAhhAlicia: Babe???.... (9:01)

@FleekAhhAlicia: busy or sum? (9:23)

@FleekAhhAlicia: .....umm ttyl I guess. txt me when ur free. I heart you. (10:00)

Bahja kept watching her phone as her notifications buzzed of texts from Alicia. Don't worry, she read em'. But like she said, if she don't speak, she won't get in trouble. Alicia didn't know that was gonna be her last time hearing from Bahja. She just better hope and pray that Alicia doesn't have any connections.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late. I had to make an emergency run to my dad's house, He-- You okay?" She tilted her head to the side. "Ohh uhh yea. I'm fine, just thinking." She sat up from the bed, patting the spot next to her. "About what?" I put my purse down, taking the spot next to her. She sighed before opening her mouth... "Life...The future." She responded. "Do you think I'll be in it?" I asked. She shrugged vaguely, while reading something in her phone. "I don't know, I don't care, I'm just doing what I gotta do." She got up and started walking towards her door but then stopped and placed her palm on the wall and threw her head down. "Fuck....I did it again." She mumbled. My mouth was still slightly opened from what I just heard. "You don't care?" My voice cracked. "Baby, I was kidding. Accuse me for libel. I just wanted to see your reaction." She chuckled lying through her teeth, but Zonnique didn't notice. She was gullible, she has always been a fool. Bahja came over and grappled me in her arms. "I love you too Nique." She said sensuously. "What's one word you would use to describe me?" Bahja asked me, pulling back. I giggled, "Prodigious." "Word??" She raised her eyebrows. "Yea, cause in my world, your perfect in everything possible." I kissed her. "So about that relationship tho..." I added. "Patience Zonnique, we just forgave each other, baby steps." She replied. "I don't need it, I know what I want. I trust you. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I'm ready." "You sure about that Nique?" She said, getting up. "What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "See that's exhibit A, on why we shouldn't be together. You don't know me, so don't act like you do." She said rudely before walking out. "One thing I do know is that you're moody as hell!!" I yelled, throwing her pillow at her with it only hitting the door as she slammed it shut. I pouted, crossing my arms as Bahja's phone buzzed once again. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, but when two more notifications came in rapidly, I grew curious. I opened her phone since she never kept a password on and looked at the texts.

@FleekAhhAlicia: So I take it as your single now, I just looked at your status. WTF Bahja! You wasn't single when your head was all in my pussy! (10:57)

@FleekAhhAlicia: Oh I wanted to just use me huh? Is that why your not replying? Well fine, fuck you. I ain't want you wanted me remember. (10:58)

@FleekAhhAlicia: I actually thought you were different Bahj....But I guess I was just a one night stand for you... (10:58)

@FleekAhhAlicia: I hope the new bitch your fucking will realize she's about to be a fuck and duck too. I wish I would've known......does it feel good knowing that you hurt me. I don't deserve this...I'm a strong woman and should be treated as such Bahj......I just wanna know why.... (11:00)

@FleekAhhAlicia: Bahja can we just talk? I'll calm down..... I know you're reading this. (11:05)

@FleekAhhAlicia: Fine.....This isn't over. (11:15)

@FleekAhhAlicia: It's time for you to learn how to treat a lady. (11:15)

I looked up at the mirror across from me. Shocked by what I just read.......I headed downstairs to see her leaning on the counter, having a drink. "Here. One of your women is texting you non stop." I handed her the phone. I wasn't even going to trip. We aren't together. She smacked her teeth as she read the messages and then started typing. I looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

@AmbitiousTony: Aight Ali Cat calm down. It's not what you seem, I just left my phone at my cousins house...and my status been said single on it since before we met. Chill out babygirl. I wouldn't do that to you. Now let's meet up.

"Wow..." I said in my head. "She's such a good liar......I wonder if those were played out lines she used on me." I thought again.

@FleekAhhAlicia: Oh thank God. You scared me, please don't do that again....I'm tired of being used. I thought you were going to be like Nakeem. I'm sorry. Come by my place tomorrow at 4987 River Trail Valley NW 30064 Atlanta, Georgia. 6:00 don't be late. ;)

@AmbitiousTony: Aight beautiful, see you then. Oh...and I heart you too."Really Bahja?" I crossed my arms. "Are you fucking serious." "You see why I don't wanna be in a relationship with you? Don't think of me being a asshole...I'm protecting your heart. I'm no good. I love you and that's why I'm doing this. Hold on for me and wait til I grow the fuck up. But for now, you and me will never be.....I just need you to rock with me when I need you. Alright?" I nodded, holding my tears back...

But Bahj.......I want you now......






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