Chapter 4

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Zonnique's POV: It's been 2 weeks since I first found Derrick, and we have been talking non stop these whole 2 weeks and I can truly say he's amazing. He's funny and everything. We talked about our futures and ugh I'm just in love. I know what your thinking. "Zonnique how can you be in love with a guy online?" I don't think of it that way, I feel like Im with him. He really knows a lot about women which amazes me. But right now I'm at BurgerKing getting myself a bite to eat on talking to him.

@AyeItsDerrick: Baby, wyd.

@NiquePlayer101: at BurgerKing cause I'm hungry as hell lol.

@AyeItsDerrick: that sounds so good right now. Anyways I moved to Atlanta!

He's originally from LA..

@NiquePlayer101: oh word! With who.

@AyeItsDerrick: my family obviously. Baby I love you but you kinda slow.

@NiquePlayer101: lol whatever. But wyd?

@AyeItsDerrick: I'm at home chilling. On X-Box.

"Number 64" the cashier called.

I got up and went to the counter to pick up my #5 which was a whopper Jr. with small French fries and a sprite. Damn this looks good. I sat back down at the booth and started talking to my baby again when this guy approached me.

"Hello miss." He said as he sat down across from me.

Who does he think he is inviting himself over here. "Ummm Hi?"

"I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were from across the room. My name is Garrett and wanted to know if you was single."

Ummmm it's kinda embarrassing telling people my boyfriend was @AyeItsDerrick on so I don't mention online dating.

"Yes I do have a boyfriend."

"Oh word? He Look better then me?"

In his profile pic he does. "Yes."

"Well damn." He chuckled. "He taller than me?"

"Why do you care anyways?" I asked avoiding the question considering I still don't really know is personal looks besides his profile picture.

"Because I want to know that if you get with me, would it be an upgrade or downgrade??"

"Downgrade. Now goodbye!"

"Well then. Take care." He walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued.

@Ayeitsderrick: yo baby you forgot about me.

@NiquePlayer101: lol nah, this dude just tried to holla at me.

@Ayeitsderrick: oh hell nah we can't have that. You my woman. You did tell him you was taken right?

@NiquePlayer101: of course babe you know I love you.

@AyeitsDerrick: lol I love you too.

@NiquePlayer101: baby I've been thinkin. We've been together for 2 weeks now, I think it's time to get away from this website and exchange numbers.

@Ayeitsderrick: ummm I don't think that's a good idea.

@NiquePlayer101: why not babe? I mean we basically know 'everything' about each other. Pleassssse!! Come on I just turned down a guy for you.

@Ayeitsderrick: fine. Mine is 404-322-___

@NiquePlayer101: okay I'm bout to text you.

I logged off black people meet. I'm not gonna use that for awhile unless I check his status to see if he's talking to anyone else which he doesn't because I'm still the only one he follows.

Me- hey baby.

Derrick- lol hey.

Me- you should call me. I wanna hear your voice.

Derrick- ummm baby I cant talk right now. I'm at a restaurant with my sisters.

Me- I thought you were at home on the X-Box?

Derrick- I was, but we got hungry Zonnique.

Me- Hmm okay, well I'm finna head home so ill text you later. No texting and driving. PSA!

Derrick- lol okay baby. Be safe. Love you!

Me- love you too.

I walked out to my car and headed home. I really want to hear his voice. Tomorrow Imma call him or maybe later on tonight.


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