Chapter 21

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"You say fuck me, like you love me. You say how does it feel and I say, lovely. Sign says caution, slippery when wet." Bahja sung softly coming out of her hot, steamy bathroom from taking a quick shower. She walked out butt ass naked in front of me, I can tell she dried off in the bathroom. I did a couple peeks but the last thing I wanted to do was stare. Trust me, I had the urge to, but I didn't want to. Her breast were so perky, round and plump. They look fake in all honesty. I watched as she lotioned her body up with the prescribed lotion from her dermatologist, now I see how her skin stays so clear.

"Zonnique I'm sorry for this public nudity I've displayed upon you." She chuckled. Oh no, I don't mind, trust me. "I usually take my clothes in the bathroom with me when I have company over, but I've been so used to dressing in my room for so long, I forgot to take them in there. Even tho we have the same parts, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She said, putting on a tank top and some sweat pants. Since finding out that loosing Bahja to someone else is not something I want to face again, I decided not to hide my lesbian fetish for her. So no more filters in my mouth. "I don't mind. I like looking at your body." I said, smirking. She bit her lip nervously and proceeded to put her footies on. "Zonnique for real. What's up with you? Let's talk about everything that's between going on between us lately." Bahja said climbing in her bed next to me, laying her legs across my thighs. I put my phone down and lied my arms on top of her legs before giving her my full attention. "Ok shoot." She sighed and opened her mouth. "Okay after I met Breaunna, only then, I noticed that you wasn't taking interest in me. Because with Bre, she would just seem so interested and ask me about my day and try to spend time with me alone and always told me how beautiful I was, and that's when I realized I was wasting my time with you. So I shunned you out. Don't think I didn't notice your jealousy, because I did...I just didn't care. I wanted you to feel what you were missing. Basically." She said. Even tho I kinda already knew that story, I went ahead and nodded my head, thinking of what am I supposed to tell her? "Okay, wanna know why I told Bre all of those lies about you? Even tho you already know a little bit?" I said, hearing her scoff and roll her eyes. "Yes." "Seeing you two grow close, it made me jealous, like you said. And I remember coming home to Bre one day, and telling her about the time you kissed me and I thought about how much I liked it. And I knew I was starting to like you but I didn't want that to happen. So to get rid of you and my feelings, I turned you on to Bre which worked way too well. So she ended up coming home to me telling me how much she liked you and it pissed me off because I thought about how that was supposed to be me. Kissing you, Loving you, all of that. And when she told me she wanted you, I lost it, so I thought if I made you look bad, then she wouldn't want to give you a chance, and maybe I could finally tell you how I felt. But Bahja I'm so sorry, you know I meant nothing about what I said except for the horny part." She chuckled and moved her head to my lap. "Zonnique, I was only mean to you because I was hurt because I thought that's actually how you felt about me. In all honesty, I still like you. You too fine to get over quickly. And speaking of horny, I'm horny right now from looking at you." She laughed. I blushed, I would admit that I was a little turned on to. Maybe because I finally might be able to pleasure myself and somebody when the time is right. My vagina was throbbing, literally, in excitement but I'm too scared to make the first move. I'm not sure if we are even trying to go there. "What you wanna do?" She asked, getting up off of the bed to her vanity and getting a couple of Xbox controllers and the tv remote. "I guess play a game, what games you have?" "GTA V of course, Watch Dogs, NBA 2K14, Battlefield 3, Toy Story 3, Halo Combat Evolved." Damn, a girl gamer is kinda attractive to me. I sound like I've been a lesbian for ages, well what can I say. I guess I'm finally learning my self. Wait...Toy Story 3???

"Bahja you told me this was to jump you cheater." I laughed. I was sitting Indian style in-front of Bahja ,in between her legs on her bed. She was holding me from the behind, guiding my hands on the controller teaching me how to play Halo. Even tho she's purposely making me loose. She's telling me the jump button was to shoot, and she thinks its funny. After wrestling for the remote, we stopped and we just stared at each other. We stared longer then intended so we can calm down before we eat each others faces. I decided wasn't going to be scared anymore, I'm ready. Ready to learn more about myself, Ready to experiment, Ready to explore her body. I don't really know how a females body feels besides mines. Squeezing your own breast don't have the same effect as touching another female. So I'm ready to see, if this is really what I want. I snatched the remote out of her hand and threw it on the other side and pinned her down on the bed. She looked shocked by my sudden interest, but her surprised eyes strangely intrigued me to dive in. The closer I leaned in, the more excited I got. I finally pressed my lips against hers, and it instantly melted me. I wanted her so bad and I was so hot that I moaned as soon as I felt her kissing me back. I was so hungry for her that I wanted to rush everything, I was trying to stick my tongue in her mouth but she steadied denied my request. She hummed no, and smirked through the kiss. I pulled back, seeing that my vision was clouded and blurred. I looked down at her to see her chest heaving in quick deep breaths. Damn. "What's the most you would let me do to you?" I asked. I was really curious. I was really excited, and if I got no where tonight I would be extremely bummed. If I don't get a full experience tonight, I want to at least know what she feels like. "Do what you want to me. But you just have to earn it. Your still in trouble." She said biting her lips, pulling me back in by my shirt, wrapping her legs around my waist. Tight. I see why guys love this so much, it feels great to have a sexy girl legs wrapped around you. I guess I can use the moves that I loved when my ex boyfriend did it on me. Kissing her again, still being denied tongue access. I started to grind my pelvis against hers. Basically scissoring with our clothes on. Her sexy voice, started letting out little moans with each of my thrusts. You know what, this is more fun with a girl than a guy, I really am enjoying this. Finally the moment I've been waiting for, I'm surprised I didn't dive right in to this. I've been so hungry to feel her that I would've touched every part before she could finish saying "no". I laid my body down and pressed my body against hers, using my left hand to glide up her body to her breast. To start off slow, I gently squeezed her right breast, gaining a louder, yet soft moan from her; and right then, she finally opened her mouth. I slipped my tongue in and explored her mouth. Her low moans, went up an octave higher, which made me wet as fuck. "Sign says caution, slippery when wet." Played in my mind. After a couple minutes of that, I showed her other breast some attention before wanting more. I let my hands into her shirt, letting our legs wrap around each others, and slipped her bra down, gaining the actually feel. Plump, just how I thought it would feel. I took my hand out of her shirt and licked my index finger and thumb before going back in to erect her nipples. This feels so amazing! How come I coudn't have met Bahja sooner? I actually feel in control for once, and alive. "Ugh Zonnique." She moaned into my mouth. I went to her neck and collar bone and started sucking. All of these things I never knew I was capable of, I guess I know how to pleasure, cause the fact that Bahja haven't opened her eyes not yet once, lets me know, I'm doing my job. I took off her shirt and started sucking, left hand on her lower back, right hand digging in her pants. Her back was slightly arched as she whispered my name. This is now what I long for, I now know that this girl will be the death of me. The wetness melted and dripped on my fingers as I rubbed her clit. I wish I had this much fun playing with myself, I would never have a problem with being horny and alone ever again.

And this is only the beginning..........





I'm not going to write the next chapter til I get some more support on Crewneck Gang. I'm trying to get it poppin b, so if you haven't already, comment and vote on that story please fam.

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