Chapter 15

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That night exactly, Bahja and I stayed on Facetime until 5:30 in the morning. I informed her that I was sleepy and she promised to stay on until she felt as if I was in a deep sleep. Therefore, I woke up with a blank computer screen. Now that I think about it, it would've been better to wake up with her still on Facetime with me. But on to other information, we finally accomplished what we've been attempting to do for the longest. Learn about one another. I hope she listened to every detail I told her.

Incoming Call From Bee Boo

"Hello?" I answered, while making up my bed. 

"Where you at?!" She questioned.

"Good morning to you too." I scoffed. "But I'm at home, just got up. Why?"

"Meet me at Walmart in an hour." 


I couldn't even get my question out before she hung up. I looked at my phone in shock and kissed my teeth. "Okay, I am going to pretend that she didn't just hang up in my face. Okay? Okay."

After putting my last decorative pillow on my queen sized bed, I strolled to the bathroom and turned on the shower. While waiting for the water to get nice and warm, I rummaged through my drawers and closet trying to find the outfit of the day. Hmm, its just Walmart. I guess a tank top and some jeans would be fine. I placed those items on my bed, along with my White swede Supra's at the foot of the bed with my short jean jacket that I was gonna put over my tank top. I ran my fingers through my hair and went back into my bathroom and stuck my hand in the shower to feel the temperature. It usually takes a long time for the water to get hot because Bre wanted to turn the tank all the way down to save money. Typical Bre. 

"Oooo you look good." I complemented as I scanned over Bahja's attire when I got inside of the car. "Thank you honeybun." She backed out of my driveway slowly and started on our journey to Walmart. "I really enjoyed our talk last night. You know? With your friends in the way, we never really got a chance to learn about each other." I confessed how I felt about her company. "I enjoyed it as well babygirl. All I wanna do is get close to you." She looked at me before placing her hand on my thigh in a friendly way. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat, not sure how to respond to that statement. "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" She asked. Yea, you kinda did. "No, not at all." I answered.

"Go get a buggy cart." Bahja commanded me nicely after we finished our laugh. We unlinked our arms and I went to get a cart as asked. "So why are we here?" I asked. "This, right here. Is our first date." She answered. I made an outburst of laughter. I knew it was a joke. "So what are we gonna do on this date my love?" I teased. "Alright, so we are here to play a game, just to see if I really been paying attention to you. Like I said, I'm trying to get close to you and I want to show you that I care. Now based on our talk we had last night, I have to guess your favorite things out of this grocery list. If I get it wrong, put your favorite in the bucket and I'll pay for it. Okay?" She explained. "Oooo I love this game alright. Looks like I'm getting some free groceries tonight." I grinned. "Ha! So you think. Okay, so the list is: Drink, Fruit, Cereal, Meat, Snack, and Candy." I nodded my head and walked ahead of her to lead her to the fruit aisle. "So Bee, whats my favorite fruit?" I smirked, knowing she was going to get this wrong. She put all of her weight on her left leg while rubbing her chin. "Watermelon." She said. 

"Damn. I really wanted a free watermelon." I pouted. "Get real." She scoffed as she pushed the cart to the snacks which was located at aisle 10. "I'm listening." Okay I know I under estimated the first time, but I damn sho know, that she is definitely not getting this one. I'm serious this time. "Ummmm...." She hummed as she looked at the variety of chips, cookies, muffins, and etc.

She picked up a bag of Oreos, and I jumped on the inside. I shook my head and moved my finger from side to side. I grabbed the Oreos out of her hands and replaced it with a bag of Almonds. 

"Thank you. I was running out of Almonds at home." I laughed, putting the Nut goodness in the cart. "Damn, I just knew it was Oreos." "Nope, now I'm thirsty. Drink time." I led the way to the back of the store next to McDonadles. Without thinking she automatically picked up a half gallon of chocolate milk. Damn son. I probably shouldn't have been ranting about how good chocolate milk was last night. 

"Shit." I mumbled, I really wanted that. "'HEYYYY!!! THEY HAVE JUICE BARRELS!!! I USED TO LOVE THESE!!" Bahja squealed as she ran to the juice barrels. As she was distracted, I placed the chocolate milk in the basket sneakily. She soon came back with a case of fruit juice barrels. I whistled and skipped onto the Cereals. She might get this one right, its common sense, I was eating them last night on Facetime.

"Lucky Charms." She stated as she pointed to the box. "Lucky bitch." I rolled my eyes. "Don't get mad at me baby. I listen. Your gonna fill up my cabinets when its my turn next time." She smirked, walking away.

Me and Bahja were now at the self-checkout, and all she has to pay for is my Almonds, Twix.........and my chocolate milk.

"I don't remember getting this wrong?" Bahja said with her face scrunched up. I turned my head and looked around everywhere making myself obvious. "Zonnique? Did you put this at the bottom of the bucket?" She asked. "Maybe, Maybe not. Maybe boogers, Maybe snot." I rhymed. She sighed. "You want this?" "Please?" I said with puppy eyes. "Uhh, sure..." Her voice shaked. "Marry me?" I asked. "Sure, Hold on." She left for awhile and went into an aisle. I was confused on what she was doing but when she came back she was hiding something behind her back. After paying for all of the items and placing them in a grocery bag. She grabbed my hand and went out to the car. "Here's your stuff bae." She smiled. "Thank you Bahja, I had fun." I giggled, putting the bag in the backseat. After I closed the door, all I see is Bahja on her knee with a ring pop in her hand. I covered my mouth and laughed hysterically. "Zonnique Jailee Pullins, I never thought we would get married because of chocolate milk. But these few days I've spent with you has been amazing. And I want you to be my wife, even if you proposed to me first. You were ringless, until now. Would you be my wife?" She cheesed. "Yes!!!" She chuckled, getting up and placed the ring pop on my ring finger. Mmm Green Apple, I love it. Departing my lips from the ring pop, incoming Bahja's lips. And here they are.........on mines. She may kiss the bride huh?


and No, I do not know most of Zonnique's favorite things in real life lol. 


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