Drug Trials (Lauren/You)

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Your POV


A burning sensation rippled through my chest. I gasped for air and fluttered my eyes rapidly.
"She's back, We got her back" i heard a man said.


I sait on my wheel chair and sped off around the hospital. It's nice to finally be able to roam around, not just in my room. I stopped circling the wheels when a hand stopped me. I couldn't see because the person's hand was blocking my view. I moved back a little and finally saw a raven haired girl with the most beautiful eyes. Her outstretched hand fell onto her side. She smiled slightly and her eyes become vibrant.

I smiled there as the tube that helps me breath fell out, i giggled and placed it back.
"Uhm hey, I'm Y/n." I muttered and held out my hand.
"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" I looked at her intently but nodded slowly. She stood there, looking uncertain about something.
"Well i better go Lauren, My time roaming around here is kind of...Limited"
I said and smiled widely showing her my deep deep dimples. Her eyes trailed down my eyes to my cheeks, then took a step forward me. She kneeled infront of me and poked my dimple. I blushed and gulped, that made my dimples reappear.

"Come on be my tour guide" she said and went behind me pushing my wheelchair. I smiled unconsciously, she's interesting.


We sat for hours on the bench inside the hospital talking about anything. I learned that She's 22 and she's cuban, her accent tho. It makes her hot.
"Y/ln! I've been looking for you, but anyways come on it's time for your meds." my nurse said and helped me sit on my wheel chair.
"See you around lolo" I said and waved at her. She smiled and waved back.

"So? You got yourself a girlfriend" Lizzy, my nurse teased while wiggling her brows.
"No liz, she's not my girlfriend. She's just my friend" i said and leaned on my chair.


I woke up in the middle of the night because of a hand stroking my hand.
"Hey?" i asked still not knowing who ever this person was.
"Oh my, did i wake you up?" She rasped out and i immediately knew who she was.
"I'm fine lolo, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in your room? You should be asleep" i panicked and sat up quickly.
"Shhhh, it's okay. I didn't want to be there" she said and kissed my hand. I blushed and silently thanked god the lights were out.

I smiled and held her face in my hands.
My smiled faded when i noticed she wasn't wearing her tube.
"Hey! Where's your tube? Oh my god" i start to mutter incoherent words.
She pressed her finger on my lips and patted my back.
"Calm down, please. Breath with me, in and out in and out. There" she smiled and gripped my hands for reassurance.

"Go. Get your tube and sleep, I'll meet you tomorrow on the same place we met okay?" i said and she nodded as she sighed.

I woke up feeling all great and all that kind of stuff. I took my meds and did all the procedures in order for my body to be clean. You see, I'm like a critical host for bacterias and viruses. I cant breath normal air continuously. I can't eat leftovers or food that are cooked an hour ago. I can't go to sleep without sanitising my whole body. And micro killing every virus and bacterias in me.

This time i decided to walk cuz why not. Carrying my breather in a sling bag and a sketch pad in my left hand, i walked past busy people. I spotted Lauren, she was wearing all black and her hair was tied into a messy bun. Her head was down because she's using her phone.
"Hey stranger" i said and sat beside her.

Luckily for me i can still touch things and not die because of it. But some people here in the hospital with the same condition as me were forced into thier room, completely isolating them from anyone but the doctors and nurses.

"Woah. Where's your chair?" she asked and looked at me from head to toe.
"Meh, i did use it yesterday because i wasn't in the mood for walking, plus I'm too lazy for that" i said and laughed slightly.
"So you're saying that i pushed your heavy ass all throughout the day yesterday for nothing? God you're cruel" she joked and hit my arm playfully.

"Gald that you wore your tube" she shrugged and chewed on her lips.


I cried loudly and pressed the alert button while squirming from pain that my stomach causes. Nurses bursts into the door and start to do their thing.
"Y/n can you hear me?" one of the doctors asked. I nodded my head and screamed in agony.
"I-i-it hurts! Please make it stop" i begged them and gripped on my belly.
I am starting to see black spots and my vision is becoming blurry in every passing seconds.


Lauren's POV

I hummed happily nd skipped towards
y/nn's room. It's been half a year since i met her and i started to fall for her.

I could stare at her dark brown eyes for years and not get bored. Her blondish hair is so smooth and soft that i will do anything just to run my hands in there.
Her smile oh gosh, her smile is to die for. She could light up even the darkest room on the earth with just her smile.

My smile faltered when i saw nurses went running into her room. I ran in front of her door and saw her trashing and squirming in her bed while crying and screaming in pain. My heart broke as the doctors tried to grab her hand but it was no use. Her eyes rolled back and then they closed. I panicked and ran into her side.

Nurses kept on holding me back trying to drag me out of the room. I was about to leave the room when i heard a horrifying sound. Flat line. I breathed heavily and dropped my breather.
I stormed towards y/n and held her hand in mine as the doctors tried to revive her.

"Come on baby breath!!" i heard liz said and charged the shocking thing that you use to revive people.
"Okay 200 joules charge, Clear!!" her chest raised but still she have no heartbeat.

"250 joules charge, Clear!" he tried again.
"AGAIN!! CLEAR!" i was about to cry when she gasped for air and fluttered her eyes harshly.
"She's back. We got her back" the doctor said and smiled genuinely.

After all the test they ran they finally left.
"God y/n i thought I'd lose you" i said and cried into her. She smiled weakly and wiped my tears.
"I was scared, shitless. Because i thought i would never have the chance to tell you how much i love you" i said quietly
"Love you more" she said back and my heart beats faster than a horse.
"No no. I love you, not in a friend way but in that way" i explained to her, waiting for rejection.
"I know, i love you too in that way" she said and giggled. She kissed me but it was a pure kiss, no tounge and all that shit. We just say there not moving our lips as we kiss.

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